Johana Evelyn Montalvan Castilla

Førsteamanuensis samfunnsfag

Johana Evelyn Montalvan Castilla


Telefon: 51832094



Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning

Kort om meg

Johana M. Castilla works as Associate Professor in Social Sciences at the University of Stavanger, Norway. Her current research project entitled "Children's participation and experiences in Smart and Sustainable cities" researches on children’s participation, competences and learning experiences in the development of Smart and sustainable cities. Smart cities have moved from the understanding of merely being cities with a strong technocratic or technological focus, to try to be more inclusive, sustainable cities with a human, participatory focus. The topic and context of children growing, living and participating in such cities is new and understudied. Thus, her project explores the opportunities, constraints and challenges Smart cities may bring for children’s democratic participation, children's learning outcomes and place in the city.
Background and experience
Johana earned a Masters degree in Social Anthropology from the university of Bergen (UiB) with a specialization in educational subjects and a 5-year bachelor degree in Social Sciences (Sociology, History, Anthropology) and in Archaeology from San Marcos university. She has also worked as a university lecturer and as an educator, teaching children of different age groups in Norway and abroad. Prior to the start of her PhD project, Johana worked for several years at the Arctic university of Norway (UiT) doing research on digitalization processes and their effects on Norwegian society. She also researched and published on the topics of food security, human security and worked as a lecturer in societal security. 
Research interests
Early Childhood Education, Sustainability, Smart cities, Network Society, Urban Childhoods, Citizen Participation, Food Security and Sustainable Communities.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Korkou, Maria; Sageidet, Barbara Maria; Tarigan, Ari Krisna Mawira


Urban green spaces in early childhood education and care: insights from teachers in Stavanger, Norway.

European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.

ISSN 1350-293X.

DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2024.2412782

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children’s understanding and STEM-related experiences of solar energy and technologies in a smart kindergarten in Norway.

European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.

ISSN 1350-293X.

DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2024.2413861

Korkou, Maria; Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Tarigan, Ari Krisna Mawira; Sageidet, Barbara Maria


Travel patterns and factors explaining green space use for outdoor learning among school and preschool children.

Journal of Place Management and Development.

ISSN 1753-8335.

DOI: 10.1108/JPMD-08-2024-0085

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Flexibility and Playful Learning as Strategies for a Transformative Pedagogy in Higher Education.

Reports from the University of Stavanger.

ISSN 0806-7031.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Müller, Anders Riel


A smart city for all citizens: an exploration of children’s participation in Norway’s smartest city.

International Planning Studies.

ISSN 1356-3475.


DOI: 10.1080/13563475.2023.2259110

Cartaxo, Tiago de Melo; Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Dymet, Marcin; Hossain, Kamrul


Digitalization and Smartening Sustainable City Development: an investigation from the High north European cities..

Smart Cities and Regional Development (SCRD) Journal.

ISSN 2537-3803.

Volum 5.

Hefte 1.


Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


The role of stockfish in local food security. Traditional knowledge, transmission and change in Lofoten, Norway.. I: Food Security in the High North Contemporary Challenges Across the Circumpolar Region.


ISBN 9781138370067.


Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Pursiainen, Christer Henrik


Cyberspace Effects on Civil Society. The Ultimate Game-Changer or Not? .

Journal of Civil Society.

ISSN 1744-8689.

Volum 15.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1080/17448689.2019.1672288

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Pursiainen, Christer Henrik


Citizen and civil society perspectives on cyberspace in the European High North . I: Enablement Besides Constraints: Human Security and a Cyber Multi-Disciplinary Framework in the European High North. Synthesis Report.

ISBN 978-952-337-182-8.



Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Researching on children’s participation and experiences in Smart cities. Presentation prepared for the Open university of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. 2022-03-30.

Mobility program visit to OUC.;

2023-03-30 - 2023-03-31.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Urban nature as a teaching arena: Children’s learning experiences and kindergarten teachers’ pedagogical practice in urban green spaces .

Greenhouse Research Talks;


Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Entering urban nature’s wonderland: An exploration of children’s curiosity and wonder as fostering agents of learning, friendship and community.

EECERA conference 2023;

2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children’s Participation in Smart City Planning.

Smart City Research Conference: Is the Smart City losing traction – and what may come next?;

2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children’s screen use – An anthroposophical outlook. Palabra de Rudolf Steiner, Podcast and FM Radio Program.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children’s participation and learning experiences in Smart and Sustainable cities. Presentation for the Stavanger-Oxford doctoral conversations. FILIORUM and Oxford university.


2022-06-15 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


How to involve children and youth in the green shift? Panel conversation and discussion.

Nordic Edge Conference and Expo 2022.;

2022-05-11 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


An international student’s perspectives and reflections on the PhD journey. Presentation for the DU-UH Introductory seminar for new doctoral students. UiS. 2022-03-10.

DU-UH Introductory seminar;

2022-03-10 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children's participation to achieve Smart and Sustainable cities. Findings, challenges and opportunities.

Presentation for Danmarks profesjonskole, UC SYD, Institutt for læreruddannelse, DK and FILIORUM;

2021-10-11 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Green day at UiS and Children's participation to achieve Smart and Sustainable cities.

Green day at UiS;

2021-10-05 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children's participation in Smart cities - Poster exhibition.

Nordic Edge Expo and Conference 2021. ;

2021-09-20 - 2021-09-23.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children's participation in (and for) Smart and Sustainable cities. Poster presentation at the Annual Smart city Research network meeting. .


2021-06-10 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Lessons about Listening: Reflections on Citizenship and Participation in Stavanger Smart City.

Smart city Research Symposium;

2021-09-22 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


PED talk "Future cities, future challenges : Designing smart cities with and for children"..

EECERA 2021;

2021-08-30 - 2021-09-17.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Torkaman, Mehdi


Workshop on citizen participation in Smart cities. .

Annual Smart city Research network meeting;

2021-06-10 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children’s participation in Smart and Sustainable cities: A framework for disentangling challenges and opportunities. .

Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse;

2021-10-25 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Codfish and Sustainable Communities.


2021-01-28 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Partnerships in Smart Cities: Creating Better Cities for (and with) Children through Public and Private Partnerships. In: Critical thinking for smart cities .

Nordic Edge Expo and Conference 2020. ;

2020-09-23 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Children and the Smart City: Creating Sustainable, Liveable, Child-friendly Cities.

Nordic Edge Expo and Conference 2020. ;

2020-09-24 - .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Child-friendly and sustainable cities - Podcast interview with Activist planet and Podcast and Business. .

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Man kan ikke spise gull.

LatinAmerika tidsskrift.

Volum 18.

Hefte 1.

Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn


Playing Your Way Out of Poverty.

Kula Kula, Antropologisk tidsskrift.
