Jørn Eivind Schau

Dosent i fløyte

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E-post: jorn.e.schau@uis.no


Fakultet for utøvende kunstfag

Avdeling for klassisk musikk


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Schau, Jørn; Øvrebø, Daniel Henry


Socially inclusive education and co-creation under the auspices of The Norwegian Flute Ensemble. I: Education as an impulse for social inclusion.

ISBN 978-83-65727-79-4.


Murawska, Ewa; Rykowski, Mikolaj; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin


On the need for social inclusion: a few words from the editors. I: Education as an impulse for social inclusion.

ISBN 978-83-65727-79-4.


Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Schau, Jørn


Edukacja akademicka w zakresie wykonawstwa muzycznego w zmieniającym się świecie: zapowiedź nowego programu nauczania? Sprawozdanie z projektu pilotażowego. I: E-dukacja muzyczna w XXI wieku Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy.

ISBN 978-83-65727-62-6.


Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Schau, Jørn


Higher Music Performance Education in a Changing World: Towards a New Curriculum?. I: Music E-ducation in XXI- st century. New challenges and perspectives.

ISBN 978-83-65727-59-6.


Schau, Jørn


All aboard! Inclusion in Norwegian Cultural Schools – exemplified with cases from two towns. I: Schoolchildren in Central and Northern Europe: On the Need for Transcultural Education—Social, Ethical, Musical and Medical Aspects.

ISBN 978-83-65727-53-4.


Schau, Jørn


Wszyscy na poklad! Aspekty inkluzji w Noweskich gminnych szkolach kulturalnych na przykladzie dwoch miast. I: Szkolnictwo w Europie Srodkowej i Północnej: O potrzebie edikacji transkulturowej – Aspekty spoleczne, etyczne, musyzne I zdrowotne.

ISBN 978-83-7768-273-9.


Bøker og kapitler

Murawska, Ewa; Rykowski, Mikolaj; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin


Education as an impulse for social inclusion.

ISBN 978-83-65727-79-4.

Murawskiej, Ewy; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja; Baum, Ewy; Schau, Jørn


Edukacja jako impuls do społecznej inkluzji.

ISBN 978-83-65727-68-8.

Øvrebø, Daniel Henry; Schau, Jørn


Socially inclusive education and co-creation under the auspices of The Norwegian Flute Ensemble. I: Edukacja jako impuls do społecznej inkluzji.

ISBN 978-83-65727-68-8.


Murawskiej, Ewy; Schau, Jørn; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja; Kłysz-Sokalskiej, Natalii


E-dukacja muzyczna w XXI wieku Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy.

ISBN 978-83-65727-62-6.

Schau, Jørn


"Schoolchildren in Central and Northern Europe: about the need for Transcultural Education -Social, Ethical,Musical and Medical Aspects"; Monograph, member of editorial committee.

ISBN 978-83-65727-53-4.

Murawskiej, Ewy; Baum, Ewy; Schau, Jørn; Rykowskiego, Mikołaja


Szkolnictwo w Europie Srodkowej i Północnej: O potrzebie edikacji transkulturowej – Aspekty spoleczne, etyczne, musyzne I zdrowotne.

ISBN 978-83-7768-273-9.

Murawska, Ewa; Baum, Ewa; Schau, Jørn; Rykowski, Mikolaj


Schoolchildren in Central and Northern Europe: On the Need for Transcultural Education—Social, Ethical, Musical and Medical Aspects.

ISBN 978-83-65727-53-4.

Schau, Jørn



ISBN 978-83-87433-84-0.


Schau, Jørn


6th International Flute Festival, Poznan, Poland, 29.02-03.03.2024.

6th International Flute Festival, Poznan, Poland, 29.02-03.03.2024;

2024-02-29 - 2024-03-03.

Schau, Jørn


Workshops Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music, 25.02-29.02.2024.

Workshops Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music, 25.02-29.02.2024;

2024-02-25 - 2024-02-29.

Schau, Jørn


Masterclass Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro Majella, Naples, 25th and 26th March 2024.

Masterclass Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro Majella, Naples, 25th and 26th March 2024;

2024-03-25 - 2024-03-26.

Schau, Jørn


Lecture, Ricardo Muti Hall.

Lecture during masterclass ved Conservatorio di Musica, Naples, 26th March, 2024;

2024-03-26 - .

Schau, Jørn


Mesterklasser og workshops med fløytestudenter fra Musikhøgskolen Ingesund Arvika, 7.-9. april 2024: Sted UiA.

Faglig besøk fra lærere og studenter fra Musikkhøgskolen Ingesund Arvika 7-9 april 2024;

2024-04-07 - 2024-04-09.

Schau, Jørn


Lecture: "Artistic Research at the UiA Classical Music Department - with examples of recent debates and projects" (Lecture manuscript: J.Schau/R.Rolfhamre). Digital presentation. .

20th anniversary International Conference - Musica practica, Musica theoretica - Artistic Research and other Musical Phenomena;

2024-04-09 - 2024-04-10.

Schau, Jørn


Jury member International Flute Competition W.Neess in Wiesbaden, Germany,June 24-July 02, 2024.

International Flute Competition W.Neess in Wiesbaden, Germany;

2024-06-24 - 2024-07-02.

Schau, Jørn


International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Presentation Norwegian Flutists Concert 20th July.

International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Presentation Norwegian Flutists Concert 20th July;

2024-07-19 - 2024-07-23.

Schau, Jørn


International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Public masterclass 21th July.

International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Public masterclass 21th July;

2024-07-19 - 2024-07-23.

Schau, Jørn


International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Individual masterclasses 22th July.

International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Individual masterclasses 22th July;

2024-07-19 - 2024-07-23.

Schau, Jørn


International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Individual masterclasses 23th July.

International Flute Festival Qingdao, China, 19th July-23rd July: Individual masterclasses 23th July;

2024-07-19 - 2024-07-23.

Schau, Jørn


Tromsø Flute Days 2024, 29th November - 1st December, Invited and sponsored by Sparebankstiftelsen within the "mestermøte-series", workshops and concert..

Tromsø Flute Days;

2024-11-29 - 2024-12-01.

Schau, Jørn


Flute warm up and basic exercises.

Norwegian Flute Festival, Førde, Norway 9.-11. June 2023;


Schau, Jørn


Sciarrino IL CERCHIO TAGLIATO DEI SUONI; workshop focusing on new playing techniques with soloists and participants.

Norwegian Flute Festival, Førde, Norway, 9.-11. June 2023;


Schau, Jørn


Masterclasses, International Summer Music Academy, Koszalin, Poland, June 22nd-26th.

International Summer Music Academy, Koszalin, Poland, June 22nd-26th;

2023-06-22 - 2023-06-26.

Schau, Jørn


Falaut Campus, Polla, Italia, 2023 (31.juli-3.aug): Workshops, masterclasses .

Falaut Campus, Polla, Italia, 2023 (31.juli-3.aug);

2023-07-31 - 2023-08-03.

Schau, Jørn


EDU-ACTION conference UiA 17-18 august 2023; project presentation and sum-up.

EDU-ACTION conference UiA, 17-18 aug 2023;

2023-08-17 - 2023-08-18.

Schau, Jørn


Western University, Ontario, Canada: UiA classical music study programs (presentation); Cordula Hacke, Jørn Schau, 18. sept 2023.

Western University. Ontario, Canada: Faculty visit;


Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Adamowicz-Kaszuba, Teresa; Murawska, Ewa; Okupnik, Malgorzata; Pilasiewicz, Patryk; Klysz-Sokalska, Natalia; Rykowski, Mikolaj


Scientific panel: Music matters!.

Press conference: Edu-Akcja 2022-2023: budowanie strategii edukacyjnej sprzyjającej społecznej inkluzji oraz rozwój edukacji zdalnej. Polski, norweski i islandzki kontekst.;

2023-09-28 - .

Schau, Jørn


Mesterklasser/workshops flute, Armenian State Academy of Music, Yerevan, 10. 10. 2023.

Mesterklasser/workshops flute, Armenian State Academy of Music, Yerevan;

2023-10-09 - 2023-10-11.

Schau, Jørn


Mesterklasser/workshops chamber music, Armenian State Academy of Music, Yerevan, 11.10.2023.

Mesterklasser/workshops chamber music, Armenian State Academy of Music, Yerevan, 11.10.2023;

2023-10-09 - 2023-10-11.

Schau, Jørn


5th Academic Flute Seminar, workshops, Poznan Music Academy, 18.-20.10.2023.

5th Academic Flute Seminar, Poznan Music Academy;

2023-10-18 - 2023-10-20.

Schau, Jørn


Culture matters! Polish-Norwegian discussion panel: Teaching models within Arts tuition at lower levels.

Culture matters! Seminar at Patrick Gallois Flute Studio, Poznan, Poland;


Hacke, Cordula; Schau, Jørn


UiA classical music study programs (presentation); Cordula Hacke, Jørn Schau, 18. sept 2023.Western University. Ontario, Canada: Faculty visit; 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-18 UIA .



Schau, Jørn


Working with flute ensembles (lecture held 05.03.2022).

VIII Miedzynarodowa Konferencja 4-6 marca 2022/ VIII Chamber Music Conference ;

2022-03-04 - 2022-03-06.

Schau, Jørn


Aspects of collaboration within the context of Internationalization - with a special focus on the EEA EDU-ACTION projects, lecture.

XV FORUM AKADEMICKIE (Edukacja jako impuls do spolecznej inkluzji);


Schau, Jørn


Press-conference (konferencja prasowa): EEA EDU-ACTION 22/23 - project presentation, 27.01.2022, (Vice-rector Mikolay Rykowski, prof. Ewa Murawska, prof. Jørn Schau).

Schau, Jørn


The National Romantic period - The Golden Age of Norwegian Culture and Music, lecture 45 min, video/film-presentation, Production: Solidskillsy.

Baltic Sea Arts Camp Aug. 2022;

2022-08-22 - .

Schau, Jørn


On Norwegian Folk Music..... ,lecture, video/film-presentation, 45. min., Production: Solidskillsy.

Baltic Sea Arts Camp Aug 2022;

2022-08-22 - .

Schau, Jørn


Important female classical composers - and selected compositions, lecture 45 min, video/film-presentation. Production: Solidskillsy.

Baltic Sea arts Camp Aug 2022;

2022-08-22 - .

Schau, Jørn


Women's rights during the second half of 20th -century Norway, video/film-presentation, 45 min, Production: Solidskillsy.

Baltic Sea Arts Camp Aug 2022;

2022-08-22 - .

Schau, Jørn


The Essential Exercises of the old French Flute School - workshop and lecture, Icelandic University of the Arts, Aug 2022.

- International Forum on Musical Education in Europe now! Reykjavik, Iceland, aug 2022;

2022-08-10 - .

Schau, Jørn


Europäische Kammermusik Akademie, Leipzig, September 2022 - workshops Northern Breeze Flute Quartet .

Europäische Kammermusik Akademie, Leipzig, September 2022;

2022-09-02 - 2022-09-08.

Schau, Jørn


In steps with the future - UiA Classical Music Department and the job market musicians in Norway, video/film presentation, 40 minutes, commissioned by Minnesota State University, video-production Solidskillsy Robin Rolfhamre, Oct. 2022.

Minnesota State University - partner visit from UiA oct. 2022;

2022-10-11 - .

Schau, Jørn


UiA Classical Music Education, lecture (physical), Fox Recital Hall, Minnesota State University, USA, 11. oct 2022.

Partnerbesøk MSUM, USA;

2022-10-11 - .

Schau, Jørn


Workshop - flute sectional group playing, Minnesota State University, USA, 10.oct. 2022.

Workshop Minnesota State University, USA;

2022-10-10 - .

Schau, Jørn


Masterclasses and workshop; flute students at Concordia Music College and Minnesota State University, Fox Recital Hall, MSUM, USA, 10.oct. 2022.

Masterclasses and workshop, Fox Recital Hall ;

2022-10-10 - .

Schau, Jørn


Workshop and masterclasses Boise State University, USA, 14th Oct. 2022.

Masterclasses and workshop;

2022-10-14 - .

Schau, Jørn


The Edu-Action projects auspiced by the Jan Paderewski Music Academy and UiA Classical Music Department, presentasjon video, commissioned by Polish Ministry of Culture/EEA, film-produksjon Solidskillsy Robin Rolfhamre, Krakow Oct 12th.

Konferanse Challenges of Education- for the sake of the younger generation, Polish Ministry of Culture/EEA;

2022-10-12 - .

Schau, Jørn


Project presentation Culture 3.0 (Jan Paderewski Music Academy/UiA Classical Music Department), Polish Ministry of Culture/Arts Council Norway, Polin Museum, 18.-19. October 2022.

Conference ´Bilateral cooperation - effective international partnership´ Polish Ministry of Culture/Arts Council Norway;

2022-10-18 - .

Schau, Jørn


XVIII Poznań Flute Session: Presentation of Music by Konrad Øhrn, Gallois Flute Studio, digital pres, Oct.22 2022.

XVIII Poznań Flute Session, Gallois Flute Studio, Poznań, Poland;

2022-10-22 - .

Schau, Jørn


Press conference at the Jan Paderewski Music Academy, Poznan, Poland - project Culture 3.0, Vice-rector Mikolay Rykowski, Prof. Jørn Schau.

Schau, Jørn


Seminar Norwegian Flute Ensemble, work dedications by Konrad Øhrn.

Seminar Norwegian Flute Ensemble;

2022-10-22 - 2022-10-23.

Schau, Jørn


Workshops/masterclasses Syd-Dansk Musikkonservatorium/ Danish National Academy of Music, Odense, Denmark 17-19 nov. 2022.

Workshops/masterclasses Syd-Dansk Musikkonservatorium/ Danish National Academy of Music, Odense, Denmark 17-19 nov. 2022;

2022-11-17 - 2022-11-19.

Schau, Jørn


Workshops/masterclasses Tirana University of Arts, Albania, 21-25 nov. 2022.

Workshops/masterclasses Tirana University of Arts, Albania, 21-25 nov. 2022;

2022-11-21 - 2022-11-25.

Schau, Jørn


"Music for Flute Ensemble by Norwegian Composers - An Introduction to five works dedicated to the Norwegian Flute Ensemble and Jørn Eivind Schau".

Virtual Flute Festival 2020 - German Flute Society (on-line presentation);

2020-10-18 - 2020-10-20.

Schau, Jørn


All aboard! Aspects of Inclusion in Norwegian cultural schools - exemplified with cases from two towns.

XII FORUM AKADEMICKIE (on-line presentation);


Schau, Jørn


Breathing techniques for flute players - a general approach ..... (on-line presentation).

XIII Poznań Flute Session (2020);


Schau, Jørn


"Flute Ensembles Across Europe"- presentation at the European Flute Council annual conference.

EFC Annual Conference, Nice, Oct. 25. 2019;


Schau, Jørn


European Flute Council Conference 2018: Preparation "Flute Ensembles Across Europe - The European Flute Ensemble Event".

European Flute Council Conference 2018;

2018-10-27 - 2018-10-28.

Schau, Jørn


Polish Flute Congress, Lodz, Poland: Inaugural Concert /Conducting Flute Ensemble of Lodz/ Lodz Philharmonie/Monday Nov. 6th. 2017 (Nov).

Polish Flute Congress, Lodz, Poland, 2017 (Nov);

2017-11-06 - .

Schau, Jørn


Presentation UiA Classical Studyprograms at Toneheim Folkehøgskole.

Presentation Toneheim Folkehøgskole;

2017-11-17 - .

Schau, Jørn


"Teacher Stereotypes in Instrumental Tuition" - presentation/lecture , Jan Paderevsky Music Academy, 2016 (Dec).

Konferanse Jan Paderevsky Music Academy, Poznan, Poland;

2016-12-06 - .

Schau, Jørn


"Ways ahead for UiA classical music education".

CEMPE Conference: Ways ahead for Norwegian Music Education;

2016-08-29 - .

Schau, Jørn


Culture School Council, Agder: "Ways ahead for UiA classical music education".

Culture School Council, Agder: Annual Conference;

2016-12-06 - .

Schau, Jørn


(01-13) 03.01.2013 / Norge-Polen: "Cadenzas in historical contexts- with peculiar attention to the Flautist" - Book chapter to Dr. Prof. Ewa Murawska book- "Cadenza". Publisher: Ars Nova, Poland, Nov. 2013.

Book chapter;

2013-01-03 - .

Schau, Jørn


(12-12) 06.10 2012 / Norge-Tyskland: Flötenspiel in Norwegen - artikkel , publisert i Flöte Aktuell / ISSN: 0930-8563.

Flöte Aktuell.

ISSN 0930-8563.

Hefte 2.


Schau, Jørn


(11-12) 27-30.09.2012 / Tyskland: Course Part 1 for DGfF: Lecture 60 minutes -title: "Flute Ensembles and Flute Choirs: Observations and conciderations --" . Workshop for profesjonelle og studenter. Arr: Deutsche Gesselschaft für Flöte, Frankfurt.

Kurs for Deutsche Gesselschaft für Flöte /Frankfurt;

2012-09-27 - 2012-09-30.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Schau, Jørn


Concert 6th International Flute Festival, Poznan, 02.03.2024.

Schau, Jørn


"The Danish-Norwegian Flute Connection" -- flute cooperation between UiA Classical Music Department and Danish National Academy of Music, Odense, Denmark Oct.10-13 2024.

Schau, Jørn


Concert, Danish National Academy of Music Concert Hall, 13th October, The Danish-Norwegian Flute connection, cooperation UiA/National Academy of Music, Odense.

Schau, Jørn


Concert, Kerteminde Church (Denmark), 12.Oct. 2024, The Danish-Norwegian Flute Connection, cooperation UiA/ Danish National Academy of Music, Odense.

Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin


Norwegian National Romance and music by Edward Grieg.

Mathisen, Terje Howard; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


The music of Sigurd Lie.

Øhrn, Konrad Mikal; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Chord usage in two selected compositions by Konrad Øhrn.

Kharatyan, Mariam; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Artistic research: on specifics of the Norwegian model of artistic research and "Armenian fingerprints" project.

Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin


The labour market for musicians in Norway and the UiA study programs in Classical music performance.

Eidsaa, Randi Margrethe; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Musical communication.

Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Professionalising Classical Musicians Part 1: Singularity and Branding.

Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Professionalising Classical musicians Part 2: Implementing your brand.

Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Professionalising Classical musicians Part 3: Finding your market.

Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Professionalising Classical musicians Part 4: Outreach.

Halvorsen, Linda Cecilie; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Physically active lessons as a teaching method in music education, Part 1: Physically active lessons and inclusion.

Halvorsen, Linda Cecilie; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Physically active lessons as a teaching method in music education, Part 2: Learning styles and planning.

Halvorsen, Linda Cecilie; Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Physically active lessons as a teaching method in music education, Part 3: Practical examples.

Schau, Jørn; Rolfhamre, Robin


Working with Flute ensembles.

Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Foundations of Tone production on Classical Guitar.

Rolfhamre, Robin ; Schau, Jørn


Introduction to effective academic project design.

Schau, Jørn


Traditional Norwegian Music for Harding-fiddle and flute ensemble, Concert Grim Church, May 21st 2023. Jørn Schau, artistic leader.

Schau, Jørn


Norwegian Flute Festival, Førde, Norway, 10. June 2023; Concert flute ensemble.

Schau, Jørn


Concert, International Summer Music Academy, Koszalin, Poland 22-26 June 2023 .

Schau, Jørn


Workshop, International Summer Music Academy, Koszalin, Poland, June 22nd-26th.

Schau, Jørn


Kristiansand Fløytedager, 16-17 sept 2023, Workshop og konsert.

Schau, Jørn


Poznan Flute Day March 4th, Patrick Gallois Flute Studio, Poland: Workshop and presentation.

Poznan Flute Day March 4th, Patrick Gallois Flute Studio, Poland.

Schau, Jørn


Preface and textual section to music publication: "Jasmine" for flute ensemble by Yuijan Zhu. Publishing company: Edition Svitzer, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Schau, Jørn


Leading sources of Inspiration in works of Norwegian romantic and post-romantic composers; textual section to music publication in braille .

Schau, Jørn


Jurymedlem i Ferdinand Nees International Flute Competition, Wiesbaden, Tyskland, 23-27 Juni 2022.

Schau, Jørn


´Masterpieces for harding fiddle and flute ensemble – traditional Norwegian instrumental music`. Arrangør: Terje Mathisen, Norwegian Flute Ensemble, solist Marin Stallemo Bakke, hardingfele. Executive producer Roger Langvik, produsent og kunstnerisk leder Jørn Schau, juni 2022.

Schau, Jørn


´Leading Sources of Inspiration`. Recording of works by Halvdan Kjerulf, Terje Mathisen, Johann Freithoff and Konrad Øhrn. Executive producer Roger Langvik, produsent og kunstnerisk leder Jørn Schau. Lydopptak/CD-innspilling, juni 2022.

Schau, Jørn


"Playing Flutes": Recording of music by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska, Kjetil Hvoslef, Terje Mathisen and Konrad Øhrn, UiA flute quintet. Executive producer Roger Langvik, produsent og kunstnerisk leder Jørn Schau, April 2022.

Schau, Jørn


Socially inclusive education and co-creation under the auspices of The Norwegian Flute Ensemble” (D. Øvrebø/J.Schau), kapittel til monografi, utgivelsesspråk: Engelsk, foreløpig registrering i påvente av ISBN nummer!.

Schau, Jørn


Leaving Tracks, Presentation, EEA Edu-Action Project conference, Reykjavik College of Music 24th March 2021.

Schau, Jørn


Perspectives – Higher Music Education in 21st century, EEA Edu-Action project conference, conference leader, discussion moderator, UiA, Norge, 26th april 2021; .

Schau, Jørn


UiA International Flute Session 2021, EEA Edu-Action project (Schau/Murawska), August 2021.

Schau, Jørn


Flute Days in Frankfurt, Musikhochschule Frankfurt, Germany, Sept 2021, concert and lecture.

Schau, Jørn


Interview with flute soloist and Principal Flutist Emmanuel Pahud Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, 35 minutes, prod. Margraf Publ. Germany.

Schau, Jørn


Academic Instrumentalist Session, Poznan Music Academy, Nov. 5th -8th 2021: Workshops, presentations.

Schau, Jørn


Jurymember - 1st MUZYCZNE ORŁY - International Music Competition, Muzyka do Potęgi Foundation, Lodz, Polen, aug. 2021;.

Schau, Jørn


European Flute Festival 2021 - REINSPIRING FLUTE PLAYING POST COVID; Festival leader as European Flute Council Co-Chair; discussion moderator .

Schau, Jørn


Jurymedlem i Gnessin International Flute Competition, Moscow, Russia.

Schau, Jørn


Seminar/mesterklasser ved Gnessin Special School of Music, Moscow, Russia.

Schau, Jørn


Lecture: "Working with Flute Ensembles" -Gnessin Special School of Music.

Schau, Jørn


"Fiddle and flutes" CD recording session - Norwegian Flute Ensemble and soloist Marin Stallemo Bakke..

Schau, Jørn


Seminar og mesterklasser ved Musikkakdemiet i Stettin, Polen, 24-25 febr. 2020.

Schau, Jørn


Seminar og mesterklasser ved Musikkakademiet i Poznan, Polen, 26.02.2020.

Schau, Jørn


Jury member of 1st International E. Towarnicki Flute Competition, Poland, 27.02 -01.3.

Schau, Jørn


Seminar Norwegian Flute Ensemble, works of oa. Fauré, Suppé, Bach and Elgar .

Schau, Jørn


Digitale presentasjoner og mesterklasser under "VIII Poznanska setja fletowa", Patrick Gallois Flute Studios, 29.-30. april 2020 .

Schau, Jørn


Polish and Norwegian Flute Music Illustrated - Music Edition facilitated for visually impaired flautists, published in Braille, ISMN:979-0-801527-42, editors: Prof. Ewa Murawska/Prof. Jørn Schau, 60 pages.

Schau, Jørn


XII Forum Akademickie, Ignacy Jan Paderewsky Music Academy: Presentation .

Schau, Jørn


European Flute Ensemble Event / 5-7 april 2019 / Kunstnerisk ledelse av festival i samarbeid med Prof. Ewa Murawska - foredrag og konserter.

Schau, Jørn


Mesterklasser/ workshops og vurdering av PhD-prosjekter i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved University of Aveiro, Portugal / 10-13 juni 2019.

Schau, Jørn


Mesterklasser og workshop ved Gergely Ittzes International Summer Courses, Györ, Ungarn / 16-18 juli 2019.

Schau, Jørn


Seminar og workshops med Norwegian Flute Ensemble / 7-13 oktober.

Schau, Jørn


Konsert under Frankfurter Buchmesse - Museum Wiesbaden / kunstnerisk ledelse Norwegian Flute Ensemble - Flute Ensemble and Hardingfele / 13. oktober 2019.

Schau, Jørn


Jurymedlem og konsertmedvirkning under Maxence Larrieu International Flute Competition (European Prize), Nice, Frankrike / 26.oktober 2019.

Schau, Jørn


Poznan Flute Day/ Patrick Gallois Flute Studios, Nov. 2nd, Poznan, Poland: Concert-lecture, workshop and masterclasses.

Schau, Jørn


Concert in Lodz Philharmonie: Premiere performances of works by Grzezcack,Brych and Pudelko / 2nd Polish Flute Congress, Nov. 4-7, Lodz, Poland.

Schau, Jørn


Flute Ensemble workshop, seminar and masterclasses / 2nd Polish Flute Congress, Nov 4-7, Lodz, Poland.

Schau, Jørn


Lecture, flute ensemble workshop, masterclasses / 2nd Polish Flute Congress, Nov 4-7, Lodz.

Schau, Jørn


Flute ensemble workshop, masterclasses, Concert - premiere performance of work by Gabrowskie, 2nd Polish Flute Congress, Lodz, Poland.

Schau, Jørn


Mesterklasser og studieprogrampresentasjon ved TNH folkehøgskole, Hamar.

Schau, Jørn


Flute seminar and masterclasses at University of Arts, Tirana, Albania.

Schau, Jørn


Norwegian Flute Ensemble; seminar/workshop, Stravinsky Petrushka/Nielsen Alladin, 2018 (9.-11.febr).

Schau, Jørn


Norwegian Flute Ensemble, seminar/workshop Stravinsky, Nielsen, Madsen, Grieg, Mathisen, 2018 (April).

Schau, Jørn


University of Arts, Tirana, Albania, Jørn Schau Masterclasses, 2018 (June 19.-24.).

Schau, Jørn


Workshop Norwegian Flute Ensemble, 3-6 aug. 2018.

Schau, Jørn


Concert Norwegian Flute Ensemble, Kulturhuset, Oslo, Aug. 6th 2018.

Schau, Jørn


Concert NFA Convention, Orlando USA, August 10th 2018.

Schau, Jørn


Concert NFA Convention, Orlando USA, August 11th 2018.

Schau, Jørn


Short performance UiA- Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Opening Ceremony 2018, Norwegian Flute Ensemble and soloists, Kilden Performance Arts Center, August 22nd.

Schau, Jørn


Seminar/workshop cond. Norwegian Flute Ensemble, University of Agder, Aug.24th-26th.

Schau, Jørn


Recording session Norwegian Flute Ensemble, works by Carl Nielsen and Konrad Øhrn, 14-16.09.2018 .

Schau, Jørn


10th Anniversary Concert - Norwegian Flute Ensemble, Jørn Schau presentation and prep, Lisa Håland cond. / 9-10 nov/ Sigurd Køhn Salen, UiA.

Schau, Jørn


Poznan Flute Day, Poland; European Flute Ensemble and students of Poznan Music Academy; Recording and premiere performance - work dedication by Agnieszka Zdrojek-Suchodolska: "Adrianna i siedem dni tygodnia", Conductor Jørn Schau, Nov 24th, 2018.

Schau, Jørn


Masterclasses/workshops and Presentation UiA Studyprograms at Toneheim Folk High School, Hamar, Nov. 22nd, 2018..

Schau, Jørn


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte, Germany: Seminar/ Workshop; conducting DGfF German Flute Orchestra, 2017 (Jan 16-20).

Schau, Jørn


University of Arts,Tirana, Albany: Jørn Schau Masterclasses 2017 (Jan).

Schau, Jørn


University of Agder /Norwegian Flute Ensemble: Downes Sonata for Flute Ensemble and Threatte Pastorale, 2017 (February 23-26).

Schau, Jørn


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte: German Flute Festival 2017 (March 10-12), Munich: Workshop and Concert conducting DGfF German Flute Orchestra.

Schau, Jørn


University of Tromsø: Seminar and Concert conducting "Ishavsfløytistene", Tromsø museum, 2017 (March 17-19).

Schau, Jørn


Presenter Concert "Musical Dialogues", National Gallery of Arts, Washington, Project Manager Randi Eidsaa, 2017 (April).

Schau, Jørn


Norwegian Flute Ensemble: Recording-session; CD Symphonies for Flute Ensemble - EMK label, 2017 (May 18-21).

Schau, Jørn


University of Agder / Norwegian Flute Ensemble: "Flute weekend 2017" ; Workshop and Concert, Sigurd Lie Hall, 2017 (Sept.15-17).

Schau, Jørn


University of Györ - Academy of Music, Hungary : Jørn Schau Masterclasses 2017 (Oct).

Schau, Jørn


University of Pécs - Academy of Music, Hungary: Jørn Schau Masterclasses 2017 (Oct.).

Schau, Jørn


Polish Flute Congress 2017, Lodz, Poland: Conducting Concert Flute Ensemble of Lodz on November 8th..

Schau, Jørn


Polish Flute Congress: Recording session Nov. 10 and 11; recording works by Monteverdi, Dams, Downes, and premiere recording of works by Grzeszcak and Brych, 2017 (Nov).

Schau, Jørn


Polish Flute Congress Nov.2017: Concert on Nov. 9th - conducting Flute Ensemble of Lodz in premiere performances of works by Grzeszcak and Brych..

Schau, Jørn


Polish Flute Congress, Lodz, Poland, Nov. 2017: Lecture /open rehearsal on Flute Ensemble didactics / Nov. 7th..

Schau, Jørn


Polish Flute Congress, Lodz, Poland, Nov 2017: Lecture / open reharsal on Flute Ensemble didactics on Nov. 8th.

Schau, Jørn


Polish-Norwegian Flute weekend 8-10.12.17, University of Tromsø: Artistic Director and conductor of "Ishavsfløytistene" and festival ensemble, guests: Ewa Murawska, Ewelina Zawislak, Magda Morus-Fijalkowska, Barbara Swiatek-Selazna..

Schau, Jørn


University of Oulu, Music College, Finland: Jørn Schau Masterclasses 2016 (febr).

Schau, Jørn


University of Agder: Concert conducting Norwegian Flute Ensemble with Soloist Peter Lukas Graf, 2016 (Febr).

Schau, Jørn


Swedish Flute Society: Swedish Flute Festival 2016 - Concert, Masterclasses and workshop with Flautando Flute Ensemble and Festival Flute Ensemble, Uppsala, 2016 (March).

Schau, Jørn


Tallin Cathedral, Latvia: Summer-concert; Norwegian Flute Ensemble, 2016 (June).

Schau, Jørn


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte, Germany: Workshop conducting the DGfF Flötenorchester, 2016 (Sept).

Schau, Jørn


Prea Lable recording company, Poland: Recording Konrad Øhrn Works for flute Ensemble with European Flute Ensemble, 2016 (Oct).

Schau, Jørn


Polish-Norwegian Culture Center, Poznan, Poland: European Flute Ensemble; Concert Konrad Øhrn Ensemble works for flutes, 2016 (Oct).

Schau, Jørn


Conducting Flute Ensemble of University of Lodz, Poland, 2016 (02-04 Dec).

Schau, Jørn


University of Lodz, Poland: Jørn Schau Masterclasses, 2016 (Dec. 02-04).


Release Concert CD: Christmas Fantasies, conducting Norwegian Flute Ensemble, Sigurd Lie Hall, Kristiansand, 2016 (Nov. 26.).


Tromsø Flutedays 2016: Artistic Director and conductor of "Ishavsfløytistene" and festival ensemble, 2016 (12-13 nov.).

Schau, Jørn


Bloomsbury Church, London, England: Concert performance; University of Agder Flute Ensemble/Norwegian Flute Ensemble, 2015 (Febr).

Schau, Jørn


Music Academy of Györ, Hungary: Masterclasses, presentations; 2015 (April).

Schau, Jørn


Musikhochschule Würzburg, Germany: Masterclasses 2015 (April).

Schau, Jørn


4th Norwegian Flute Festival, Norway: Presentations, program-introductions, artistic management and festival production, 2015 (June).

Schau, Jørn


Montclair State University, John Cali School of Music, New Jersey, US: Masterclasses, 2015(Oct).

Schau, Jørn


3e Concour Internationale de Flûte Maxence Larrieu, Nice, France: Jury member for the European Prize; Festival concert.

Schau, Jørn


Jan Paderewsky Music Academy of Poznan, Poland: Masterclasses; Lecture; duo-concert performance with Ewa Murawska , 2015 (Dec).

Schau, Jørn


Music College of Koszalin, Poland: Masterclasses, concert-performance with Ewa Murawska and Magdalena Fijalkowska, lecture on Norwegian flute music.

Schau, Jørn


Kilden Performing Arts Center, Kristiansand, Norway: Christmas concert; University of Agder Flute Ensemble/Norwegian Flute Ensemble, 2015(dec).

Austvik, Vidar; Aitken, Robert; Schau, Jørn; Junker, Jan


Konsert for to fløyter og orkester.

Schau, Jørn


4th International Flute Festival, Poznan, Polen: Invited artist masterclasses and concert performance festival flute ensemble.

Schau, Jørn


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte: Flutedays in Würzburg 2014 - flute ensemble workshop, concert performance conducting festival flute ensemble with soloists Vladislav Brunner and Jürgen Franz.

Schau, Jørn


Artistic and Educational Symposium, Artistic Director col. Ewa Murawska, Poznan Music Academy; Norwegian Celebration Concert on May 17 -2014, presentation and program introduction..

Schau, Jørn


Duo concert with Ewa Murawska, Poznan Old Town, May 15. 2014.

Schau, Jørn


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flöte: Flute ensemble workshop in Würzburg Dec. 2014.

Schau, Jørn


(03-13) 08-10.02.2013/ Frankrike: Jurymedlem og konsert under "6e concours d´ensemble de flûtes- concerts -conférence et exposants", Nice. Konsert med verk av Grieg og Bull. Arr: A Travers l ´flûte .

Schau, Jørn


(04-13) 20-23.02.2013/ Polen. International Flute Festival, Poznan. Invitert festivalartist med foredrag, workshop og konsert som leder for Det norske fløyteensemble, Kristiansand (DNFE). Presentasjon foredraget "Working with Flute Ensembles" Arr: Polish Society / MA Poznan, Polen .

Schau, Jørn


(05-13) 22-24.03.2013 / Tyskland: Deutsche Flöten Festival, Freiburg. Invitert festivalartist med konsert, workshop, og jurymedlem i internasjonal konkurranse for fløyte- ensembler. Arr. Deutsche Gessellschaft für Flöte. .

Schau, Jørn


(07-13) 28-30.09.2013 / Polen: Norway Grant sesjon: Mesterklasser for fløytestudenter, og presentasjon fra pågående FoU-prosjekt "Fluteplaying- Technical Aspects and Practicing". Arr: European Flute Forum / Norway Grant / MA Poznan.

Schau, Jørn


(09-13) 13.12.2013/ Polen: Norway Grant sesjon: Konsert i Krakow gamleby, Fløyteensembleverker av blant andre Konrad Øhrn Arr: European Flute Forum / Norway Grant/Musikkakdemiet i Krakow.

Schau, Jørn


(08-13) 15-18.11.2013 / Norge: Norway Grant sesjon: Faglig og kunstnerisk ledelse for Symposium med konserter, lectures og workshops. Herunder urframføring av Konrad Øhrns verkdedikasjon "Concerto for 2 flutes and strings". Studenter og lærere fra UiA og MA Poznan. Arr: European Flute Forum/ Norway Grant/ UiA.

Schau, Jørn


(06-13) 3. Norske fløytefestival 2013, Hamar: Festivalledelse; presentasjoner og introduksjoner.

Schau, Jørn


University of Oulu: Jørn Schau mesterklasser, nov. 2013.

Schau, Jørn


(02-13) 09-16.01.2013/ Tyskland: Konsert, Fløyte ensemble workshops og foredrag ved Musikhochschule Würzburg - Tyskland. Arr: MH Wurzburg / Ruth Wentorf.

Schau, Jørn


(14-12) 13-15.12 2012/Polen: Mesterklasser ved MA -Poznan med presentasjon fra pågående FoU-arbeid "Six years with the flute". Arr: Ewa Murawska og MA Poznan.

Schau, Jørn


(13-12) 18.-21.10.2012 / Frankrike: Presentasjon norske fløyteverker og mesterklasser ved Concervatoire National Superieur, Nice - (under Maxence Larrieu International Flute Competition) Arr: Concervatoire National Superieur, Nice/ Sibel Pensel.

Schau, Jørn


(02-12) 01-04.03 2012 / Tyrkia: Konsert med ulike ensembleverker for fløyter, og jurymedlem under Second International Flute Competition i Izmir, Tyrkia / Arr. Yasar University, Izmir / Sibel Pensel.

Schau, Jørn


(04-12) 17-22.04 2012 / Polen: Presentasjoner Instructive Studies for the Modern Flute ( Græsvold/Schau) og mesterklasser ved Musikkakademiet i Poznan, Polen. Arr: MA Poznan / Ewa Murawska.

Schau, Jørn


(01-12) 19.02 2012/ Norge: Jørn Schau-Robin Rolfhamre/ Norwegian Flute Ensemble - uroppføring av Konrad Øhrn: Dances for Flute Ensemble Arr: UiA.

Schau, Jørn


(03-12) 10.03 2012 / Norge: Det norske fløyteensemble/ Medvirkning innspilling med rockebandet Guillemots (England) / Tittel innspilling: Hello Land. Artistic director: Jørn Schau / Conductor: Robin Rolfhamre / Exec. producer: Dangerfield.

Schau, Jørn


(06-12) 18-20.05 2012 / Norge: Kunstnerisk leder (festivalledelse), presentasjoner og introduksjoner under Norsk Fløytesymposium 2012. Arr: Norsk Fløyteforum. Toneheim Folkehøgskole, Hamar.

Schau, Jørn


(07-12) 22-23.06 2012 / Norge : Det norske fløyteensemble, Kristiansand:Pre-turné konserter i Kristiansands-regionen. Program: Øhrn, Græsvold, Mathisen og Madsen. Arr: UiA/ DNFE.

Schau, Jørn


(08-12) 27.06.2012 / Frankrike : Turné i Sør Frankrike /DNFE Konsert i Cogolin . Verk av Madsen, Mathisen, Dulat og Øhrn . Arr. Kulturetaten i Cogolin/Tilrettelegger: Gitte T. Dulat.

Schau, Jørn


(09-12) 28.06.2012 / Frankrike : Turné i Sør Frankrike (2) / DNFE Konsert i St Maxim . Verk av Madsen, Mathisen, Dulat og Øhrn . Arr: Kulturetaten i St. Maxim / Tilrettelegger: Gitte T. Dulat.

Schau, Jørn


(10-12) 05.09 2012 / Sverige : Mesterklasser og foredraget "Working with flute ensembles" ved Musikhøgskolan i Ørebro Arr: MH Ørebro / Torleif Ander.

Schau, Jørn


(11-12) 27-30.09.2012/ Tyskland: Course, Part 2 for DGfF: Konsert - kunstnerisk ledelse verker for fløyteensemble. Arr: Deutsche Gessellschaft für Flöte.

Schau, Jørn


Konsert/Saint-Sains: Dyrenes karneval.

Schau, Jørn


Uroppføring: Terje Mathisen - Suite for Flute Ensemble.

Schau, Jørn


First Norwegian Flute Festival. Present./kons.

Schau, Jørn


Uroppføring- Phillipe Dulat: Vitrail.

Schau, Jørn


23.05 2011/ Norge: CD -innspillingen From Norway.... /Dedikeringer til DNFE av Trygve Madsen, Terje Mathisen og Hans Magne Græsvold/ Artistic Director: Jørn Schau, Conductor: Robin Rolfhamre/ EMK records- Gøteborg Exec. Producer: Roger Langvik.

Schau, Jørn


Uroppføring- Trygve Madsen: Suite for Flute Ensemble.

Schau, Jørn


Tusen fløyters klang.

Schau, Jørn


Presentasjon/konsert under Third International Flute Convention i Nice, Frankrike.

Schau, Jørn


Jørn Schau/Norwegian Flute Ensemble - konsert under Third International Flute Convention, Nice/Frankrike.

Schau, Jørn


Innspilling av "Solitude sur la Montagne" av Ole Bornemann Bull. Jørn Schau/ Norwegian Flute Ensemble på oppdrag for utgiver Edition Svitzer i København.

Schau, Jørn


Innspilling av Preambolo for Flute Ensemble (Hans Magne Græsvold).

Schau, Jørn


Forord til utgivelsen av verket Preambolo for Flute Ensemble på Edition Svitzer i København.

Schau, Jørn


Instructive Studies for the Modern Flute. Kommentarstoff til Hans Magne Græsvolds komposisjoner. Utgivelse på Edition Svitzer i Købehavn.

Schau, Jørn


Innspilling av etyder fra "Instructive Studies for the Modern Flute" (Hans Magne Græsvold).