Kristiane Marie Fjær Lindland
Førsteamanuensis i organisasjon og ledelse

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Rom: KE C-254
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag
Førsteamanuensis i organisasjon og ledelse
Telefon: 51833704
Rom: KE C-254
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Re-framing design and designers : Studying design processes through a pragmatist lens. I: DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July .Design Research Society.
ISBN 978-1-91229-457-2.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Co-production at the brink : A processual approach to co-production under marginalized conditions. I: Processual Perspectives on the Co-Production Turn in Public Sector Organizations.IGI Global.
ISBN 9781799849759.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Ermakova, Feodosiya Pavlovna
One foot in each culture: Exercising social responsibility and reducing risk in a new culture. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
When Employee Driven Innovation Becomes an Organizational Recipe – Implications for What It Means to Be an Innovative Employee.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.
ISSN 2194-5357.
Volum 821.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Gjerstad, Brita; Krøvel, Anne Vatland; Ravagnan, Elisa
Governing for sustainability in the Norwegian aquaculture industry.Ocean and Coastal Management.
ISSN 0964-5691.
Volum 179.
Krøvel, Anne Vatland; Gjerstad, Brita; Skoland, Kathrine; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hynes, Stephen; Ravagnan, Elisa
Exploring attitudes toward aquaculture in Norway - Is there a difference between the Norwegian general public and local communities where the industry is established?.Marine Policy.
ISSN 0308-597X.
Volum 108.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Realisert ledelse av medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon i en kommunal kontekst. I: Innovasjon møter kommune.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-02-61556-7.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Når middelet vanhelliger målet – motstridende budskap i implementeringen av medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon i offentlig sektor.Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien.
ISSN 2596-6200.
Volum 34.
Hefte 4.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
Figgjo AS - Mellom Taylorisme og Jærkultur.Arbeiderhistorie.
ISSN 0801-7778.
Volum 21.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie; Moberg, Hege; Hermansen, Anne Mette Lind
Securing employees against hazardous clients in challenging contexts. I: Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications.CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1138629370.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
Tverrfaglig samarbeid i produktutviklingsarbeid –Faglig identitetsutøvelse og teamemosjonell.Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv.
ISSN 1399-1442.
Hefte 4.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
It`s our version of Arabic - Connecting the global and the local through design. I: Drafts from Sociology of Design. Introduction to Discussion.
ISBN 978-83-65208-55-2.
Sageidet, Barbara Maria; Müller-Eie, Daniela; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
A Nordic Smart Sustainable City: Lessons from Theory and Practice.
ISBN 9781032812113.
Kourkoutas, Konstantinos; Saez, Begonya; Junjan, Veronica; Kuipers, Vero; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hernandez-Palacio, Fabio Alberto ; Müller, Anders Riel; Malmgren, Sara
ECIU Position Paper on Living Labs and Experimentation Spaces.
ISBN 978-82-8439-236-3.
Jonvik, Merete; Lindland, Kristiane Marie; Tvedt, Helge Lea; Müller-Eie, Daniela; Melberg, Kjersti
Hillevåg - En sosiokulturell stedsanalyse.
ISBN 978-82-490-0916-9.
Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Helmersen, Migle; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Agder Living Lab - Følgeforskningsrapport.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Energy justice in Norwegian offshore wind plans - lessons learned from Utsira .
Impactwind Summerschool 2024;
2024-06-03 - 2025-06-06.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Co-existence - taking into consideration social acceptance and energy justice in offshore wind projects.
Impactwind Summerschool 2023;
2023-06-05 - 2023-06-08.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Enoksen, Elisabeth
Mixed Messages - How Different Institutional Logics Can Make it Challenging to Foster a Co-creating Relation Between Lecturers, Students and Administration in Higher Education.
ECER 2021;
2021-09-06 - 2021-09-10.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
The Social Process of Developing Curriculum in Work Placement Courses.
ECER 2021;
2021-09-06 - 2021-09-10.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Selvig, Therese
2021-01-21 - 2021-01-22.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Co-creating challenges in the public sector - what can we learn from private sector?.
2021-01-21 - 2021-01-22.
Sjurseike, Ragnhild Johanne; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Planning for ‘The green transformation’ – challenging cultural heritage as spatial and social processes? .
The UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference;
2021-09-08 - 2021-09-10.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
NEON 2021;
2021-11-24 - 2021-11-26.
Sjurseike, Ragnhild Johanne; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Cultural heritage – a potential blessing and curse in realizing the green transformation .
NEON-dagene 2020;
2020-11-17 - 2020-11-18.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Medvirkning og bærekraft – kan kunst bidra til å endre premissene for medvirkning? .
Åpent foredrag på Narvik bibliotek;
Ravagnan, Elisa; Gjerstad, Brita; Provan, Fiona; Krøvel, Anne Vatland; Sikaneta, Megan Brunswig; Mæland, Mari; Bergheim, Asbjørn; Gomiero, Alessio; Ágústsson, Thorleifur; Skoland, Kathrine; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hynes, Stephen; Carr, Liam; Fabi, Gianna; Tassetti, Nora
AquaAccept: Building knowledge for a sustainable aquaculture industry. “We R aquaculture”.
Aqua 2018;
2018-08-25 - 2018-08-29.
Ravagnan, Elisa; Provan, Fiona; Gjerstad, Brita; Krøvel, Anne Vatland; Ágústsson, Thorleifur; Gomiero, Alessio; Skoland, Kathrine; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hynes, Stephen; Fabi, Gianna; Gramolini, R; Tassetti, Nora
AquaAccept Project: Developing new socio-environmental indicators and decision supporting tool for sustainable aquaculture..
2018-07-16 - 2018-07-20.
Ravagnan, Elisa; Gjerstad, Brita; Provan, Fiona; Krøvel, Anne Vatland; Sikaneta, Megan Brunswig; Mæland, Mari; Bergheim, Asbjørn; Gomiero, Alessio; Ágústsson, Thorleifur; Skoland, Kathrine; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hynes, Stephen; Fabi, Gianna; Tassetti, Nora
AquaAccept Prosjekt: Utvikling av nye sosio-miljø indikatorer og styringsverktøy for et bærekraftig havbruk. .
Havbruk 2018;
2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20.
Gjerstad, Brita; Skoland, Kathrine; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Krøvel, Anne Vatland
Å leva tett på oppdrettsnæringa – Haldningar til oppdrettsnæringa i Finnøy kommune samanlikna med folk flest..
Havbruk 2018;
2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Innovasjon gjennom tverrfaglig samhandling.
Ledersamling i Rogaland Fylkeskommune;
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Studies and Research- past, present and future.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Therese, Selvig
“Alle skal med”- spredningsutfordringer i innovasjonsarbeidet i offentlig sektor .
NEON 2018;
2018-11-21 - 2018-11-22.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
How does social science play a part in Smart Cities? - Smart Cities at UiS and in the region.
Forskningsbesøk fra George Washington University;
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Hvordan utøves ledelse for å realisere kunstformidling av gammel kunst for nye generasjoner?.
NEON 2018;
2018-11-21 - 2018-11-22.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Relevant calls for h2020 applications.
EERA jp Energy Systems Integration, workshop;
2018-10-15 - 2018-10-16.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
When employee Driven Innovation Becomes an Organizational Recipe - implications for what it means to be an innovative employee.
International Ergonomics Association 2018;
2018-08-26 - 2018-08-30.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Performing leadership through conversations in New Product Development .
EGOS 2018;
2018-06-04 - 2018-06-07.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Scharffscher, Kristin Sørung
Design thinking by contrasting contexts: How municipalities can look in unexpected places for exploring innovative solutions to emerging challenges .
IAFOR CHER Hong Kong 2018;
2018-10-19 - 2018-10-21.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Co-creating for a sustainable world.
Nordic Edge 2018;
2018-09-25 - 2018-09-27.
Scharffscher, Kristin Sørung; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær
Informal capacities for resilient communities: The significance of innovation and unconventionality in Haiti and Norway.
The IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research;
2018-10-19 - 2018-10-21.
Ravagnan, Elisa; Provan, Fiona; Gjerstad, Brita; Krøvel, Anne Vatland; Ágústsson, Thorleifur; Gomiero, Alessio; Skoland, Kathrine; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hynes, Stephen; Fabi, Gianna; Gramolini, R; Tassetti, Nora
AquaAccept Project: Developing new socio-enviromental indicators and decision supporting tool for sustainable aquaculture.
Aquainform Workshop;
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
Doing good through accepting the bad.
EGOS Conference;
2017-07-06 - 2017-07-08.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
Innovasjon gjennom andres blikk.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Billington, Mary Genevieve; Lindland, Kristiane Marie
AAA for EDI: Acknowledging, accepting an appreciating local Identity : A strategy for fostering employee driven innovation.
23rd Innovation and Product Development Managemnt Conference ;
2016-06-12 - 2016-06-14.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie; Billington, Mary Genevieve
Developing learning capability as the crucial factor managing ambidexterity.
ISPIM 2016;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
“Some of our most valuable products have never been launched” - Exploring the Innovative Value of Design Products for Meaning-Making in New Product Development.
EIASM 2016;
2016-06-12 - 2016-06-14.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
Co-constituting processes of leadership in Employee Driven Innovation.
2016-11-22 - 2016-11-24.
Lindland, Kristiane Marie
When relational work becomes enabling leadership..
2016-11-22 - 2016-11-24.