Leif Selstad
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS

Telefon: 51833720
E-post: leif.selstad@uis.no
Rom: EAL H-308
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
NHS – Institutt for ledelse og tjenesteutvikling
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Telefon: 51833720
E-post: leif.selstad@uis.no
Rom: EAL H-308
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
NHS – Institutt for ledelse og tjenesteutvikling
Dutt, Bindiya; Selstad, Leif
The wellness modification of yoga in Norway.International Journal of Spa and Wellness.
ISSN 2472-1735.
Volum 5.
Hefte 1.
Selstad, Leif; Nogues-Pedregal, Antonio Miguel; Jacobsen, Jens Kristian Steen
Practices in-between: Norwegian long-term visitors in Mediterranean Spain.Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change.
ISSN 1476-6825.
Selstad, Leif
Turistrollen fra en antropologisk synsvinkel. I: Filosofi og ledelse : en antologi om dialogen som nøkkel til forståelse.
Hertervig Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-8217-228-8.
Aledo, Antonio; Jacobsen, Jens Kristian Steen; Selstad, Leif
Building tourism in Costa Blanca : second homes, second chances?. I: Culture and society in tourism contexts.Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
ISBN 978-0-85724-683-7.
Selstad, Leif
Challenges and prospects of the tourist role : dealing with stereotypes. I: Current Research in Hospitality and Tourism.
ISBN 978-82-450-1410-5.
Larsen, Svein; Brun, Wibecke; Øgaard, Torvald; Selstad, Leif
Effects of sudden and dramatic events on travel desire and risk judgements.Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.
ISSN 1502-2250.
Volum 11.
Hefte 3.
Jacobsen, Jens Kr. Steen; Selstad, Leif; Nogués Pedregal, Antonio Miguel
Introverts abroad? Long-term visitors' adaptations to the multicultural tourism context of Costa Blanca, Spain.Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change.
ISSN 1476-6825.
Volum 7.
Hefte 3.
Selstad, Leif
The Social Anthropology of the Tourist Experience. Exploring the 'Middle Role'.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.
ISSN 1502-2250.
Larsen, Svein; Brun, Wibecke; Øgaard, Torvald; Selstad, Leif
Subjective food-risk judgements in tourists.
Tourism Management.
ISSN 0261-5177.
Volum 28.
Selstad, Leif
The rise and fall of American ethnology : Reading the publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology.
Selstad, Leif
Runde byer i Norge : En kulturhistorisk attraksjon.
Selstad, Leif
Totemism in North Asia.
Selstad, Leif
Versatile tourists.
27th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research;
2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.
Selstad, Leif
Etnisk og kulturell turisme.
Åpne dag;
Selstad, Leif
Mennesket fra Kyrkjetangen.
Selstad, Leif
International tourists at a Japanese festival.
XVIII ISA World Sociology Congress;
2014-07-13 - 2014-07-19.
Selstad, Leif
Discursive aspects of long term tourism in Spain. The case of Norwegian visitors.
EASA Conference;
2008-08-26 - 2008-08-29.
Selstad, Leif
Religion as attraction. Relations in a Japanese festival.
CIRCLE Conference;
2007-04-11 - 2007-04-14.