Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Andtfolk, Malin;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Estman, Linda Susanne
Examining the use and outcomes of social robot interventions in medication processes - A scoping review.
Finish Journal of ehealth and ewelfare.
ISSN 1798-0798.
Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise;
Dovland Vassbø, Anne Gunn;
Estman, Linda Susanne
Enhancing nursing students’ ethical competence through awareness and sensitivity in a virtual reality learning environment.
International Council of Nurses Congresse;
2025-06-09 - 2025-06-13.
Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves;
Moen, Kjetil;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne;
Ramvi, Ellen
Utvikling og Styrkning av etisk kompetanse i klinisk praksis gjennom virtuelle refleksjonsgrupper: En pedagogisk sykepleieintervensjon.
NSFs nasjonale konferanse for sykepleierutdanning og forskning;
2024-09-26 - 2024-09-27.
Hägglund, Susanne;
Andtfolk, Malin;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Balansen mellan människans autonomi och automation. Unga apotekskunders behov av mänsklig kontroll i robotstödd läkemedelsrådgivning. .
XVIII Kansallinen hoitotieteellinen konferenssi HTTS,;
2024-06-11 - 2024-06-12.
Nyholm, Linda Susanne;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Wingren, Mattias;
Andersson, Sören;
Andtfolk, Malin
Exploring Potential Pharmacy Customers' Experiences of the Gaze of a Social Robot - from a Caring Science Perspective.
The 5th International NCCS & EACS Conference: Caring science - the heart of multi-professional care;
2024-05-23 - 2024-05-25.
Björkmark, Maria;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Caring for the existential needs of a client.
The 5th International NCCS & EACS Conference: Caring science - the heart of multi-professional care;
2024-05-23 - 2024-05-25.
Rydgren, Melanie;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Towards more digitalized welfare services for children and families in western Finland - a qualitative study of leaders' perceptions.
The 5th International NCCS & EACS Conference: Caring science - the heart of multi-professional care;
2024-05-23 - 2024-05-25.
Mattjus, Camilla;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Enhancing Empowerment for COVID-19 Clients in Home Isolation: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals Experiences.
The 5th International NCCS & EACS Conference: Caring science - the heart of multi-professional care;
2024-05-23 - 2024-05-25.
Andtfolk, Malin;
Fagerström, Lisbeth;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Navigating the pros and cons of humanoid robot-led physical exercises for older people through participatory design.
NKG. Ageing in a transforming world The 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology;
2024-06-12 - 2024-06-14.
Nyholm, Linda Susanne;
Andtfolk, Malin;
Heinonen, Laura;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Rosenberg, Sara
Läkemedelssäkerhet vid användning av sociala robotar för informationsutbyte med kunder på apotek – ur de finländska myndigheternas perspektiv.
XVIII Kansallinen hoitotieteellinen konferenssi HTTS,;
2024-06-11 - 2024-06-12.
Björkmark, Maria;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Existential needs of a client who is in crises after religious disaffiliation.
Nordic Exis Conference : Existential approaches to Health, Culture, Religion/Spirituality, and Ecology;
2024-10-21 - 2024-10-23.
Björkmark, Maria;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Training and education of health care professionals on how to support a client after religious disaffiliation.
ICSA 2024 Annual International Conference : Evidence-based Practices in Cult Recovery;
2024-07-04 - 2024-07-06.
Björkmark, Maria;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
The turning point for clients who have left a religious community.
XVIII Kansallinen hoitotieteellinen konferenssi HTTS,;
2024-06-11 - 2024-06-12.
Mattjus, Camilla;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Experiences of support in home isolation - insights to strenghten clients empowerment: a qualitative study.
XVIII Kansallinen hoitotieteellinen konferenssi HTTS,;
2024-06-11 - 2024-06-12.
Hägglund, Susanne;
Andtfolk, Malin;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Exploring ontological liminal spaces between humans and a socially assistive robot in a care context.
RB2024 RoboPhilosophy Conference;
2024-08-20 - .
Rosenberg, Sara;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Wingren, Mattias;
Andersson, Sören;
Andtfolk, Malin
Is the pharmacy sector ready for the use of social robots in medication counselling? .
The 10th BBBB Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences;
2024-09-12 - 2024-09-14.
Nyholm, Linda Susanne;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Heinonen, Laura;
Andtfolk, Malin
Medicineringssäkerhets vid implementering av sociala robotar på apotek i Finland: en kvantitativ studie ur tillsynsmyndigheters och branschorganisationers perspektiv.
VI Nationella seminariet för klient- och patientsäkerhet;
2024-09-05 - 2024-09-06.
Mattjus, Camilla;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
The Power of Empowerment - a philosophical perspective.
The 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference;
2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13.
Andtfolk, Malin;
Björkmark, Maria;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Understanding social robots' potential in caring encounters through a caritative perspective.
The 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference;
2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13.
Andtfolk, Malin;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Young adults’ needs related to social robots in medication counselling: Using Peplau’s interpersonal Relations Model.
The 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference;
2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13.
Gripewall, Emilie;
Fagerström, Lisbeth;
Kumlien, Christine;
Mattsson, Janet;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne;
Björling, Gunilla
Swedish Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudesto Donation after Circulatory Death Before a National Implementation.
The International DCD congress and consensus;
2024-10-10 - 2024-10-12.
Andtfolk, Malin;
Wallin, Stina;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Workload management: Implementing social robots for improved working conditions in pharmacies.
Postdoctoral Researchers in Nursing Sciences Shaping the Future of the Social and Health care;
2024-12-12 - 2024-12-13.
Hägglund, Susanne;
Andtfolk, Malin;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Andersson, Sören;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Mapping of Possible Pathways to Sustainable Design in Social Robotics.
Andtfolk, Malin;
Hägglund, Susanne;
Rosenberg, Sara;
Wingren, Mattias;
Nyholm, Linda Susanne
Sociala robotars användning i läkemedelsrådgivning på apotek: Potentiella apotekskunders upplevelser..
Vård i Fokus.
ISSN 0781-495X.