Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kan musikk flytte fjell?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kissa Tou - Lytteforedrag (plate: Montreux Afterglow, Yosuke Yamashita Trio).
Kissa Tou;
2024-05-22 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kissa Tou - Lytteforedrag (plate: Moogmemory, Matthew Bourne).
Kissa Tou;
2024-11-21 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland
Where is the ‘freedom’ in Free Jazz?.
Silent Form Symposium II: Playing (for) Free;
2024-06-13 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazz City Pigeonics: Jazzloftet as a Diasporic “Ground Zero”.
Rhythm Changes Conference - Jazz Then and Now;
2024-04-04 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Fletcher, Mike;
Time, Signe Irene;
Asheim, Nils Henrik
SILENT FORM - Pre concert talk.
2024-05-06 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kissa Tou - Lytteforedrag (plate: Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet, Gavin Bryars).
Kissa Tou;
2024-12-19 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Larsen, Tarjei Mandt
Fritt Spillerom!.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Free to Work - Introduction.
Free to Work;
2023-03-29 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Current methods and concepts in artistic research in jazz.
3rd Conference of the International Network of Artistic Research in Jazz;
2023-03-23 - 2023-03-25.
Fizzle Solo - panel talk.
Fizzle Solo;
2023-11-26 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Sustainable (?) Saxophonics: Material fetishization, Ornette and the Grafton.
Rhythm Changes VII: Jazz Then & Now;
2022-08-25 - 2022-08-28.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Developing a PhD Programme in Artistic Research.
Music and the University;
2022-07-07 - 2022-07-09.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Sitting in a Circle: The Angrusori ‘method’ and hybridity in practice.
2022-05-19 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Opening Doors: Japan and the jazu kissa.
Collaboration and interdisciplinary work;
2022-11-25 - 2022-11-26.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Gescinska, Alicja;
Von Canon, Susanna;
De Vito, Maria Pia
Does music make people and society better? - Panel Debate.
European Jazz Conference - 8th edition;
2022-09-24 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
A Question of knowledge – Jazz practices and artistic research (AR)
Documenting Jazz;
2021-06-23 - 2021-06-26.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Research in Jazz: Positions, Theories, Methods.
IASJ Research Conference;
2021-11-11 - 2021-11-12.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Connections – Jazz practices and artistic research.
2021-05-10 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik
Presentasjon av Angrusori/”Live at Tou”.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
With prejudiced ears.
Documenting Jazz;
2020-01-16 - 2020-01-18.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazzaerialism – balanced/unbalanced alternativity.
What’s the Alternative? Short Takes on Jazz in Crisis;
2020-10-28 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Beyond a Joke: Globe Unity and Postwar reception.
Documenting Jazz;
2019-01-17 - 2019-01-19.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Free Spirits.
Book launch seminar, The Routledge Companion to Jazz Studies;
2019-01-31 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Technocratic jazz co-op: En maskin for innspilling, liv, død og subjektivitet.
Subjektivitet og fortelling i immersive medier;
2019-03-13 - 2019-03-15.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazz-Japanisation and the role of the jazu kissa.
Rhythm Changes VI: "Jazz Journeys";
2019-04-11 - 2019-04-14.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Between pseudo-art and pseudo research.
Research Forum;
2019-06-12 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazz-Japanisation and the role of the jazu kissa.
Research Seminar;
2019-06-20 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The AR culture ‘clash’.
International Artistic Jazz Research Symposium;
2019-10-06 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Improvising the Deluge: Live film-scoring and improvisational practices.
Tracking the Creative Process in Music;
2019-10-09 - 2019-10-12.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazz-Japanisation and the role of the jazu kissa - Keynote.
Grieg Research School in interdisciplinary research studies;
2019-11-26 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Artistic Research: immersion, knowledge and the ‘in-between’.
Modes of Immersion: Critical Perspectives;
2019-11-27 - 2019-11-29.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Alexander von Schlippenbach.
Improvised music and free jazz in Europe;
2019-12-10 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Český rozhlas.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Alexander von Schlippenbach and the Question of Tabula Rasa.
Material Cultures of Musical Notation: An Interdisciplinary Conference;
2018-04-20 - 2018-04-22.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Identity, freedom and the construction of voice.
Jazz Voices Konferenz 2018;
2018-05-17 - 2018-05-20.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Free Voices.
Grieg Research School in interdisciplinary research studies;
2018-06-18 - 2018-06-20.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
’Free Spirits’ – performativitet og fri improvisasjon.
Nærvær og oppmerksomhet i estetisk sammenheng;
2017-05-19 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazz for Young People, Summing up lecture.
Jazz for Young People;
2017-05-27 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Recording Experience – and the death of improvised music.
Continental Drift: A Century of Jazz on Record II;
2017-07-15 - 2017-07-16.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Improvisational Performativity and the Construction of Hybridization.
Rhythm Changes V: Re/Sounding Jazz Conference;
2017-08-31 - 2017-09-03.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Cultural Factories.
PechaKucha Vol 150;
2017-09-27 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Freeing it up in Utopia.
Jazz Utopia 2016;
2016-04-14 - 2016-04-17.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Playspace Improvising Rooms.
Artistic Research Forum;
2016-10-17 - 2016-10-19.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kulturfabrikker og Den Kunstneriske Samtidsproduksjon.
Byutviklingseminar 2016;
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Cultural Factories and The Contemporary Production Line.
Continental Drift – A Century of Jazz on Record;
2016-07-15 - 2016-07-16.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Improvisational Architecture.
Grieg Research School;
2015-11-26 - 2015-11-27.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
intervju: The Geordie Approach - radio Elclubdejazz.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
livé radiokonsert/intervju: The Geordie Approach - Chapel FM Leeds.
Fadnes, Petter
The Geordie Approach; Radio Kultura.
Fadnes, Petter
Improvisational Conduct and Case Studies from the Margins.
Jazz Beyond Borders Conference;
2014-09-04 - 2014-09-07.
Fadnes, Petter
Alexander von Schlippenbach and the Question of Total Improvisation.
Growing Up/Jazz in Europe 1960 – 1980;
2014-11-06 - 2014-11-09.
Fadnes, Petter
Musical Improvisation.
Konzervatorium Kosice ;
Fadnes, Petter
Alexander von Schlippenbach og spørsmålet om 'total' improvisasjon.
FOU foredrag;
2014-11-20 - .
Fadnes, Petter
The performative aspects of contemporary space - Negotiating new rooms in improvised music.
Rethinking Jazz Cultures;
2013-04-10 - 2013-04-14.
Fadnes, Petter
DKS Kunstnernettverksmøte ;
Fadnes, Petter
Knut Tønsberg: Akademisering av Jazz, Pop og Rock – En Dannelsesreise” [The Academisation of Jazz, Pop and Rock – An Educational Journey.
Studia Musicologica Norvegica.
ISSN 0332-5024.
Fadnes, Petter
Workshop Aveiro.
2013-06-11 - .
Konserthuset - ka då ittepå.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
de Bezenac, Christophe
Teaching musical improvisation in a Contemporary Setting.
Perspectives on Musical Improvisation;
2012-09-10 - 2012-09-13.
Thortveit, Jorunn;
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Promoting creative learning processes through musical improvisation - from a didactic and performance point of view.
RIME, the 7th International Research In Music Education Conference;
2011-04-12 - 2011-04-16.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
Rommetveit Seminar 2011;
2011-06-14 - 2011-06-17.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Luke, Windsor;
Burland, Karen;
de Bezenac, Christophe;
Bourne, Matthew;
Sutton, Colin;
Katuszonek, Nicholas
On the margins of idiomatic jazz: creativity in improvisation, performance and composition.
Performance Studies Network International Conference;
2011-07-14 - 2011-07-17.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Pearson, Rus;
Hession, Paul
Improvisational Architecture.
Jazz and National Identities Conference 2011;
2011-09-01 - 2011-09-04.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Space is The Place.
Space is The Place;
2011-05-14 - .
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Jazz Crossing Borders – The British/Norwegian collaboration.
The 9th Nordic Jazz Conference;
2010-08-18 - 2010-08-20.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Improvisasjon som Musikalsk Tanke.
Medlemsbrev (Foreningen Musikk fra livets begynnelse).
ISSN 1501-6021.
Volum 1.
Hefte 1.
Kunstnerisk produksjon
Halvorsen, Simen Kiil;
Alberts, Kristoffer Berre;
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Dele Sosimi og Blåsenborg Rekreasjonslag - MaiJazz 2024.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Time, Signe Irene;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Harvan, Roman;
Drevenak, Jozef;
Drevenakova, Marcela;
Žiga, Patrik;
Bittova, Iva
Angrusori - UK Tour 2024 (London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Time, Signe Irene;
Drevenak, Jozef;
Drevenakova, Marcela;
Harvan, Roman;
Bittova, Iva;
patrik, ziga
Angrusori - Ogna Scene.
Myhr, Kim;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Time, Signe Irene;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Seim, Gunhild;
Hoem, Arild;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Dale, Øyvind;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Birkeland, Ståle
Kitchen Orchestra & Kim Myhr - Nasjonal Jazzscene.
Myhr, Kim;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Time, Signe Irene;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Seim, Gunhild;
Hoem, Arild;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Dale, Øyvind;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Birkeland, Ståle
Kitchen Orchestra & Kim Myhr - Dokkhuset.
Kiil, Simen;
Alberts, Kristoffer Berre;
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Blåsenborg Rekreasjonslag og Dele Sosimi (Maskindans, Tou Scene).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Fletcher, Mike;
Brice, Olie
Silent Form Quartet - Spain tour (Almeria, Sevilla).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Fletcher, Mike;
Brice, Olie
Silent Form Quartet - UK tour (London, Birmingham, Newtown).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Fletcher, Mike;
Time, Signe Irene;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Hoem, Arild;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Bang, Thomas
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Time, Signe Irene;
Kvelvane, Heidi;
Alberts, Kristoffer Berre;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Dale, Øivind;
Guy, Barry;
Homburger, Maya
Barry Guy with Kitchen Orchestra.
Myhr, Kim;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Time, Signe Irene;
Dale, Øyvind;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Olsen, Olav K Stener;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Seim, Gunhild;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Egdetveit, Johan
Kim Myhr & Kitchen Orchestra.
Halvorsen, Simen Kiil;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Alberts, Kristoffer Berre
Sildajazz - Blåsenborg Rekreasjonslag /m Pål Jackman (Signe Irene Time, Harald Lassen, Simen Kiil Halvorsen, Kristoffer Alberts, Petter Frost Fadnes, Gaute Granli, Nils Henrik Asheim, Jens Borge, Ivar Asheim, Børge Fjordheim, Erlend Lygren. Gjester: Pål Jackman, Paal Nilssen-Love og Heidi Kvelvane).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Time, Signe Irene;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Bittova, Iva;
Harvan, Roman;
Drevenak, Jozef;
Žiga, Patrik;
Drevenakova, Marcela
Angrusori - Norgesturné 2023 (Stavanger, Haugesund, Oslo, Voss).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Myhr, Kim;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Hoem, Arild;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Time, Signe Irene;
Dale, Øyvind;
Seim, Gunhild
Kitchen Orchestra/Kim Myhr (Maijazz).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Time, Signe Irene;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Žiga, Patrik;
Harvan, Roman;
Drevenak, Jozef;
Drevenakova, Marcela;
Bittova, Iva
Angrusori - Slovakiaturné, sommeren 2023 - POHODA festival (Trenčín), The Central Slovakia Cultural Centre (Banská Bystrica), Dominican Cultural Center (Košice), BAŠTA (Bardejov).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Time, Signe Irene;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Bittova, Iva;
Harvan, Roman;
Žiga, Patrik;
Drevenak, Jozef;
Drevenakova, Marcela
Angrusori - Cheltenham Jazz Festival.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Myhr, Kim;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Seim, Gunhild;
Hoem, Arild;
Dale, Øyvind;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Njaa, Dag Egil
Kitchen Orchestra/Kim Myhr (Sildajazz).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Dale, Øyvind;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Time, Signe Irene
Kitchen Orchestra/Chris Sharkey.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sagland, Odd Børge;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Seim, Gunhild;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Hoem, Arild;
Lea, Marthe;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Egdetveit, Johan
Kitchen Orchestra - Julekonsert 2023.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Solo improvisation - Birmingham.
Halvorsen, Simen Kiil;
Lavik, Raymond Storaunet;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Alberts, Kristoffer Berre;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
borge, jens
Blåsenborg Rekreasjonslag - Konsert.
Narvesen, Dag Magnus Søyland;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Fletcher, Mike;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Bang, Thomas
Silent Form - Kitchen Orchestra.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Klein, Tobias;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Lilja, John Alan;
Søyland, Lena
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Time, Signe Irene;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Žiga, Patrik;
Dreveňák, Josef;
Dreveňák, Marcela;
Bittova, Iva;
Harvan, Roman
Angrusori - turné Slovakia.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Bittova, Iva;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Time, Signe Irene;
Dreveňáková, Marcela;
Dreveňák, Jozef;
Žiga, Patrik;
Harvan, Roman
Angrusori - Olavsfest.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Bittova, Iva;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Time, Signe Irene;
Harvan, Roman;
Dreveňáková, Marcela;
Dreveňák, Jozef;
Žiga, Patrik
Angrusori - Tou Scene.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Borge, Jens;
Hegg-Lunde, Øyvind
Kontrafunkt - Tou Scene.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Seim, Gunhild;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Lea, Marthe;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Stener Olsen, Olav
Kitchen Orchestra Julekonsert 2022.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Live At SuperDeluxe.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Bittova, Iva
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Austgulen, Gro ;
Lilja, John Alan;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Time, Signe Irene;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Olsen, Olav K Stener;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Bang, Thomas;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Seim, Gunhild;
Dale, Øyvind
Kitchen Orchestras Høstkonsert.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Seim, Gunhild;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Lilja, John
Everyone else in here.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Covid Sessions.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Myhr, Kim;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Seim, Gunhild;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Time, Signe Irene;
Dale, Øyvind;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Bang, Thomas;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Erga, Nils;
Witick, Jenni
Uten tittel (bestillingsverk, Kim Myhr).
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Lilja, John Alan;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Time, Signe Irene;
Brackeva, Dominique;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Bang, Thomas;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Hågbo, Gunnar;
Egdetveit, Johan
Kitchen Orchestra - Julekonsert.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Lewis, George;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Njaa, Dag Egil;
Seim, Gunhild;
Time, Signe Irene;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Egdetveit, Johan
Creative Construction SetTM.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
Supersonics Molde.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Lilja, John Alan;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Seim, Gunhild;
Bang, Thomas;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Hinde, Kathy
Fuglefestival på Ogna.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Bang, Thomas;
Lilja, John Alan;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Stener Olsen, Olav;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose Albert;
Vikdal, Gaute;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Munthe-Kaas, Marius;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Hoem, Arild Wold;
Brun Henriksen, Glenn;
Seim, Gunhild;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Time, Signe Irene;
Haugen, Eva Bjerga;
Motland, Stine Janvin
Kitchen Julekonsert.
Brækhus, Stein Inge;
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Alberts, Kristoffer;
Halvorsen, Simen Kiil
Blåsenborg Rekreasjonslag
En aften med Afrobeat i anledning Utyske avslutning på Martinique den 20 desember 2019.
Marthe Lea (saksofon),
Simen Kiil Halvorsen (trompet),
Petter Frost Fadnes (saksofon),
Kristoffer Alberts (saksomofon),
Gaute Granli (gitar),
Jens Borge (bass),
Adrian Tvedten (orgel),
Stein Inge Brækhus (slagverk og perkusjon)
Blåsenborg Rekreasjonslag - En aften med Afrobeat.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Hession, Paul;
de Bezenac, Christophe;
Kane, David
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Hession, Paul;
Kane, David;
de Bezenac, Christophe
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Seim, Gunhild
Kitchen Orchestra/Eve Risser.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose
Kitchen Orchestra/Marilyn Crispell.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Zanussi, Per
Kitchen Orchestra/Per Zanussi.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Schanche, Vidar Kvamme;
Austgulen, Gro Hole;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose
Kitchen Orchestra, Julekonsert.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Supersonics Oslo.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Brackeva, Dominique Jose
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Motland, Stine Janvin;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Dreveňáková, Marcela;
Dreveňák, Jozef;
Žiga, Patrik;
Mizigar, Peter;
Harvan, Roman
Phuterdo Øre.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Alberts, Kristoffer;
Schanche, Vidar
Ny Musikk Vårfest 2017.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Asheim, Nils Henrik;
Bittova, Iva;
Økland, Gjertrud;
Motland, Stine Janvin;
Egdetveit, Johan;
Dreveňáková, Marcela;
Dreveňák, Jozef;
Žiga, Patrik;
Mizigar, Peter;
Harvan, Roman
Phuterdo Øre II.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
The Geordie Approach - Huesca.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
The Geordie Approach - Barcelona.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
The Geordie Approach - Valencia.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus;
Seim, Gunhild;
Austuglen, Gro;
Time, Signe Irene;
Bang, Thomas;
Vikdal, Gaute
Under Vann.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
TGA Lisboa.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
TGA Coimbra.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Lysne, Geir;
Seim, Gunhild;
Ingvaldsen, Didrik;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Schanche, Vidar
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Bakke, Rønnaug
Kitchen Orchestra/Big Bang.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kitchen Orchestra spiller Eivin One Pedersen.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Seim, Gunhild;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Schanche, Vidar;
Holm, Klaus Ellerhuseen;
Bjønnes, Trym;
Lavik, Raymond;
Nygaard, Birk
Story Water.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Hession, Paul;
Kane, David;
de Bezenac, Christophe
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus;
Pearson, Rus
Brink, Stavanger.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Narvesen, Dag Magnus;
Pearson, Rus
Brink, Berlin.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Undeland, Olav
Supersonics Badnajazz.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
Supersonics Maijazz.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Faust, Maria
Kitchen Orchestra/Maria Faust.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
The Geordie Approach/Spain tour 2015.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Lilja, John
Frost Fadnes/Lilja - Ekstremsportveko Voss.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Schanche, Vidar;
Schanche, Vidar;
Arthurs, Tom;
Arthurs, Tom
Arthurs/Frost Fadnes/Schanche/Birkeland.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
The Geordie Approach - UK tour 2015.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Anker, Lotte
Transcending Jukebox.
Fadnes, Petter Frost;
Bourne, Matthew;
Guthrie, Will;
Guthrie, Will
Target - Stavanger/Bergen.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kitchen Orchestra - Julekonsert.
Fadnes, Petter
The Geordie Approach - Russland.
Fadnes, Petter
The Geordie Approach - Slovakia.
Fadnes, Petter
Fadnes, Petter
The Geordie Approach - Japan.
Fadnes, Petter
Fadnes, Petter
Phuterdo Øre.
Fadnes, Petter
Story Water - Stamvegen.
Fadnes, Petter
Fadnes, Petter
Fadnes, Petter
Kitchen Orchestra with Alexander von Schlippenbach.
Fadnes, Petter
Fadnes, Petter;
Birkeland, Ståle;
Sharkey, Christopher
The Geordie Approach - Edinburgh.
Fadnes, Petter;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
The Geordie Approach - Leeds.
Fadnes, Petter;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
The Geordie Approach - Lisboa.
Fadnes, Petter;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
The Geordie Approach - Sevilla.
Fadnes, Petter;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
The Geordie Approach - Malaga.
Fadnes, Petter;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
The Geordie Approach - Madrid.
Fadnes, Petter;
Sharkey, Christopher;
Birkeland, Ståle
The Geordie Approach - Albacete.
Fadnes, Petter;
Seim, Gunhild
Story Water.
Fadnes, Petter;
Asheim, Nils Henrik
Kitchen Barokk.
Fadnes, Petter;
Lilja, John
Robblerobble - Japan.
Fadnes, Petter;
Pateras, Anthony
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach; Dunajská Streda.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Kosice.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Zeltweg.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Banská Bystrica.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Budapest.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Zilina-Zariecie.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Bratislava.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Story Water.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
The Geordie Approach, Barcelona.
Fadnes, Petter Frost
Kitchen Orchestra, Superdeluxe, Tokyo.
Fadnes, Petter Frost