Petter Viksveen

Førsteamanuensis i helsevitenskap (søknadsskriving)

Petter Viksveen


Telefon: 51832737



Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Avdeling for kvalitet og helseteknologi

Kort om meg


I am an Associate Professor in Health Sciences based at SHARE - Centre for Resilience in Healthcare ( and the Department of Quality and Health Technology, in the Faculty of Health Sciences, at the University of Stavanger. 

In my current research, I focus primarily on adolescent/youth mental healthcare. I am project manager for the InvolveMENT research project which is supported through grant funding by the Norwegian Research Council to improve the mental health with and for youth who have a background as national minorities, indigenous people or refugees. However, the InvolveMENT research project has existed since 2017 and aims to support adolescents' mental health and to contribute to strengthen the access to and the quality of healthcare services for adolescents who have mental health problems and conditions. InvolveMENT focuses on involvement within the healthcare services, at both the individual and systems level, and in research. Ten Co-Researches have been involved since project start. 

I am involved in several other research projects focusing on mental health: The "Involved-project" at the Regional Knowledge Centre for Child and Youth at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Researcher and Resource Group Member); "Room for involvement" run by KBT Competence Center for Lived Experience and Service Development (Researcher and Resource Group Member). I was Co-supervisor for Hilde Markussen's in the "Brief therapy in a district psychiatric clinic" project and which resulted in completion of her PhD in 2023.

I am currently lead supervisor for three PhD Candidates, Christophe E. Kattouw, Charity A.F. Ambrose and Eli Sandsgård-Hilmarsen; as well as Co-supervisor for PhD Canidiate Verena J. Schall. Kattouw's project focuses on homecare services research and applies service design/co-design of services to develop the preferred service ecosystem to enable senior citizens to continue living at home. Ambrose's project is focused on mental healthcare in Norwegian municipal health services for youth with refugee background from Africa. Sandsgård-Hilmarsen's project is aimed at digital mental health services meet to the mental health needs of asylum-seeker and refugee youth. Both Sandsgård-Hilmarsen's and Schall's PhD projects are part of InvolveMENT.

I did my PhD at the University of Sheffield (UK), Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health. As part of my PhD studies, I carried out a randomised controlled trial and qualitative interview study with patients reporting symptoms of depression. The project used the Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs) design, also referred to as the cohort multiple randomised controlled trial (cmRCT) design. Participants were recruited through the Yorkshire Health Study, an NIHR funded long-term health study. I am Norwegian contact person for the International Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs) network

Past roles and activities include, among others: Associate Professor II in Health Sciences at VID Specialized University (20% position). Research Consultant for the MRC funded Nourishing Start for Health (NOSH) breastfeeding research project in the UK. Research Consultant for Norway's National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NAFKAM), and Coordinator for the CAM-Cancer Consortium. I ran a private practice in the field of complementary therapies for several years and I was Administering Director of the Social Pedagogy School for Higher Education in Sandnes, Norway. 

I hold a Master of Science Degree from the University of Central Lancashire (UK), Nursing and Caring Sciences Department. My Bachelor of Arts (pedagogy) is from the University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences. 


  • Mental health, depression, anxiety
  • Adolescent/youth mental health
  • Indigenous and ethnic minority youth mental health
  • User involvement and co-production
  • Healthcare services research, including homecare services
  • Digital mental health services
  • Complementary therapies
  • Research design
  • Pragmatic trials, Cohorts, Trials within Cohorts design (TwiCs)
  • Systematic reviews
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Research in education


  • Research design and methods
  • Quantitative research and statistics
  • Supervisor of PhD and Master students


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Kattouw, Christophe Eward; Aase, Karina; Viksveen, Petter


Stakeholder perspectives on the preferred service ecosystem for senior citizens living at home: a qualitative interview study.

BMC Geriatrics.

ISSN 1471-2318.

Volum 23.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04303-4

Meldahl, Laia Gomez; Krijger, Lou; Andvik, Maren McLean; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Game, Julia Rose; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa; Tong, Mathias; Viksveen, Petter


Characteristics of the ideal healthcare services to meet adolescents' mental health needs: A qualitative study of adolescents' perspectives.

Health Expectations.

ISSN 1369-6513.

DOI: 10.1111/hex.13600

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Karina


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: a systematic review.

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

ISSN 1018-8827.

DOI: 10.1007/s00787-021-01818-2

Markussen, Hilde V.; Aasdahl, Lene; Viksveen, Petter; Hedberg, Berith; Rise, Marit By


A treatment strategy for meeting life as it is. Patients' and therapists' experiences of brief therapy in a district psychiatric centre: A qualitative study.


ISSN 1932-6203.

Volum 16.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258990

Viksveen, Petter; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Meldahl, Laia; Krijger, Lou; Game, Julia Rose; Andvik, Maren McLean; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa; Tong, Mathias


Involvement of adolescent representatives and coresearchers in mental health research: Experiences from a research project.

Health Expectations.

ISSN 1369-6513.


DOI: 10.1111/hex.13383

Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Viksveen, Petter; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Storm, Marianne


User participation and shared decision-making in adolescent mental healthcare: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals' perspectives.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH).

ISSN 1753-2000.

Volum 14.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1186/s13034-020-0310-3

Yde, Charlotte; Viksveen, Petter; Duckworth, Jean


Reasons for Use of and Experiences with Homeopathic Treatment as an Adjunct to Usual Cancer Care: Results of a Small Qualitative Study..


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 108.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1670689

Mathie, Robert T.; Fok, Yvonne Y.Y.; Viksveen, Petter; To, Aaron K.L.; Davidson, Jonathan R.T.


Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised, other-than-placebo controlled, trials of non-individualised homeopathic treatment.


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 108.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1677481

Mathie, Robert T.; Ulbrich-Zürni, Susanne; Viksveen, Petter; Roberts, E. Rachel; Baitson, Elizabeth S.; Legg, Lynn A.; Davidson, Jonathan R.T.


Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised, other-than-placebo controlled, trials of individualised homeopathic treatment.


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 107.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1667129

Viksveen, Petter; Fibert, Philippa; Relton, Clare


Homeopathy in the treatment of depression: a systematic review.

European Journal of Integrative Medicine.

ISSN 1876-3820.

Volum 22.


DOI: 10.1016/j.eujim.2018.07.004

Relton, Clare; Cooper, Katy; Viksveen, Petter; Fibert, Philippa; Thomas, Kate


Prevalence of homeopathy use by the general population worldwide: a systematic review..


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 106.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2017.03.002

Viksveen, Petter; Relton, Clare


Depressed patients’ experiences with and perspectives on treatment provided by homeopaths. A qualitative interview study embedded in a trial.

European Journal of Integrative Medicine.

ISSN 1876-3820.

Volum 15.


DOI: 10.1016/j.eujim.2017.09.004

Relton, Clare; Strong, Mark; Thomas, Kate J.; Whelan, Barbara; Walters, Stephen J.; Burrows, Julia; Scott, Elaine; Viksveen, Petter; Johnson, Maxine; Baston, Helen; Fox-Rushby, Julia; Anokye, Nana; Umney, Darren; Renfrew, Mary J.


Effect of Financial incentives on breastfeeding. A cluster randomized clinical trial.

JAMA pediatrics.

ISSN 2168-6203.

Volum 172.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.4523

Thompson, Elizabeth; Viksveen, Petter; Barron, Susan


A patient reported outcome measure in homeopathic clinical practice for long term conditions..


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 105.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2016.05.001

Viksveen, Petter; Relton, Clare


Depression treated by homeopaths: a study protocol for a pragmatic cohort multiple randomised controlled trial..


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 103.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2014.01.004

Viksveen, Petter; Dymitr, Zofia; Simoens, Steven


Economic evaluations of homeopathy: a review..

European Journal of Health Economics.

ISSN 1618-7598.

Volum 15.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/s10198-013-0462-7

Relton, Clare; Viksveen, Petter; Kessler, Ulrike


The Making Cases Count intiative..

Complementary Therapies in Medicine.

ISSN 0965-2299.

Volum 22.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2014.04.006

Viksveen, Petter; Steinsbekk, Aslak; Rise, Marit By


What is a competent homeopath and what do they need in their education? A qualitative study of educators’ views.

Education for Health.

ISSN 1357-6283.

Volum 25.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.4103/1357-6283.109798

Viksveen, Petter; Steinsbekk, Jan-Aslak


Undergraduate homeopathy education in Europe and the influence of accreditation.


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 100.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2011.06.006

Viksveen, Petter; Steinsbekk, Aslak


Changes in patients visiting a homeopathic clinic in Norway from 1994 to 2004..


ISSN 1475-4916.

Volum 94.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2005.08.013

Bøker og kapitler

Mathie, Robert T; Ulbrich-Zürni, Susanne; Viksveen, Petter; Roberts, Rachel; Baitson, Elizabeth S; Davidson, Jonathan RT


Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised, other-than-placebo (OTP) controlled, trials of individualised homeopathic treatment (IHT): Study protocol..


Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Øyri, Sina Furnes; Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Viksveen, Petter


Hva kan vi gjøre med de lave tallene til sykepleierutdanningen?.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Viksveen, Petter; Salamonsen, Anita; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Ree, Eline; Meldahl, Laila; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Riska, Solveig Hodne; Sandsgård-Hilmarsen, Eli; Schall, Verena Juliane


InvolveMENT: Sammen om bedre digitale psykiske helsetjenester for unge med bakgrunn som nasjonale minoriteter, urfolk og flyktninger.

Barn og Unge Kongressen 2024;

2024-04-23 - 2024-04-25.

Salamonsen, Anita; Hansen, Ketil Lenert; Viksveen, Petter; Karlsen, Mariann Schjølberg


RKBU Nord bidrar med å tilpasse til minoritetsungdom.

Viksveen, Petter


Youth involvement in mental health..

USA Patient Safety Investigation Board in the United States;


Viksveen, Petter; Salamonsen, Anita; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Ree, Eline; Meldahl, Laila


Sammen om bedre psykiske helsetjenester for ungdom med bakgrunn som etniske minoriteter og urfolk (InvolveMENT)..

InvolveMENT prosjekt samling for og med minoritetsungdom;


Viksveen, Petter; Salamonsen, Anita; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Ree, Eline; Meldahl, Laila


Sammen om bedre psykiske helsetjenester for ungdom med bakgrunn som etniske minoriteter og urfolk (InvolveMENT) 2023 – 2027.

Kick-off samling for InvolveMENT prosjektet;

2023-08-31 - 2023-09-01.

Viksveen, Petter


Sammen om bedre psykiske helsetjenester for ungdom med bakgrunn som etniske minoriteter og urfolk (InvolveMENT) 2023 – 2027.

InvolveMENT prosjekt workshop;


Viksveen, Petter; Salamonsen, Anita; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Ree, Eline; Meldahl, Laila


Improving mental health services with and for indigenous and ethnic minority youth (InvolveMENT).

InvolveMENT prosjekt samling for SANKS;


Meldahl, Laila; Viksveen, Petter


Involvere unge i forskning for å styrke psykiske helsetjenester?.

Pasientsikkerhetskonferansen 2023 "Fra ord til handling" ;


Viksveen, Petter; Høiseth, Juni Raak


Brukermedvirkning for bedre tjenester til minoritetsungdom.

Viksveen, Petter


Vil gi minoritetsungdom bedre psykisk helsetjeneste.

Viksveen, Petter; Haaland, Tonette N.; Krijger, Lou; Andvik, Maren McLean


Unikt forskningsprosjekt for minoritetsungdom: – Vil styrke psykisk helse.

Viksveen, Petter; Blomli, May-Britt


Vil gi minoritetsungdom bedre psykisk helsetjeneste.

Viksveen, Petter; Blomli, May-Britt


Halluu anttaat minoriteettinuorile paremat mielentervheyspalvelut .

Sandsgård-Hilmarsen, Eli; Viksveen, Petter; Salamonsen, Anita


Få unge flyktninger søker psykisk helsehjelp. Kan digitale tjenester være løsningen?.

ISSN 1891-635X.

Viksveen, Petter; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Meldahl, Laia Gamez; Krijger, Lou; Game, Julia Rose; Andvik, Maren McLean; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Mustafa, Murad; Tong, Mathias; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa


Involvement of adolescent representatives and coresearchers in mental health research: Experiences from a research project. Journal cover.

Health Expectations.

ISSN 1369-6513.

Volum 25.

Hefte 1.

Osmundsen, Eigil Kloster; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland; Aase, Karina; Viksveen, Petter


Forskningsprosjektet Tools4Teams tildeles 600.000 Euro.

Viksveen, Petter


Forsker på unges psykiske helse.

Viksveen, Petter


NFR-prosjekt ved UiS tildeles 14,6 millioner kroner.

Viksveen, Petter


14 millioner til forskning på psykisk helse.

Viksveen, Petter


Får millionstøtte til å utvikle helsetjenester til minoritetsungdom.

Kattouw, Christophe Eward; Aase, Karina; Viksveen, Petter


A person-centred and age-friendly service ecosystem for senior citizens: Stakeholder perspectives.

6th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare (NSQH);

2022-09-28 - 2022-10-01.

Ibenfeldt, Maya; Duerto, Samuel; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Meldahl, Laia Gomez; Krijger, Lou; Game, Julia Rose; Andvik, Maren McLean; Cuddeford, Oliver; Tong, Mathias; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa; Viksveen, Petter


Youth co-researchers in mental health research: Experiences from the InvolveMENT project.

6th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2022-09-30 - 2022-10-01.

Viksveen, Petter; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Bjønness, Stig Erlend


User involvement in adolescents' mental healthcare: an updated systematic review.

6th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2022-09-30 - 2022-10-01.

Meldahl, Laia Gomez; Krijger, Lou; Andvik, Maren McLean; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Game, Julia Rose; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Tong, Mathias; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa; Viksveen, Petter


Characteristics of the ideal health care services to meet youth mental health needs: A qualitative study of youth perspectives.

6th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2022-09-30 - 2022-10-01.

Viksveen, Petter; Mustafa, Murad; Doudouh, Lobna; Salamonsen, Anita


Mental health services for asylum seeking and refugee youth - a qualitative study of healthcare professionals' perspectives.

6th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2022-09-30 - 2022-10-01.

Viksveen, Petter


Digitale tjenester for ungdoms psykiske helse. InvolveMENT-prosjektet..

MHV261 Helseteknologi i klinisk praksis;


Viksveen, Petter; Bertheussen Isachsen, Henriette


Forsker på psykisk helse blant etnisk minoritetsungdom .

McLean Andvik, Maren; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Krijger, Lou; Gomez Meldahl, Laia; Mustafa, Murad; Tong, Mathias; Viksveen, Petter


Youth co-design in mental health research.

Conference for learning enhancement and academics development service (LEADS);


Schibevaag, Lene; Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Viksveen, Petter


Forskningsprosjekter og søknader i SHARE.



Viksveen, Petter


Analysis of trials within Cohorts (TwiCs).

Trials using cohorts: guidance on design, analysis and reporting with real-world examples;


Viksveen, Petter; Tong, Mathias


SUPPORT4YOUTH – for ungdoms psykiske helse.

Kick off for "Ung i Rogaland 2022";


Salamonsen, Anita; Ahlzen, Rolf; Kojan, Bente Heggem; Saus, Merete; Thørnblad, Renee; Viksveen, Petter


Systematically implementing children's and adolescents' views in public services - Reflexive questions to support a complex intervention.

EuSARF Conference XVI - The Perspective of the Child;

2021-09-01 - 2021-09-03.

Viksveen, Petter


Approaches to analysis of Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs).

TwiCs Workshop;


Krijger, Lou; Viksveen, Petter; Andvik, Maren McLean; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Game, Julia Rose; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Meldahl, Laila; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa; Tong, Mathias


Involvement of adolescents in mental health research.

International Symposium for Early Career Research in Quality and Safety in Healthcare;

2021-11-23 - 2021-11-24.

Mustafa, Murad; Viksveen, Petter; Osmundsen, Eigil Kloster


Inkluderte ungdom i forskning på mental helse.

Viksveen, Petter


Kvantitativ metode med statistikk, del 1.

Statistikk i spesialsykepleie;

2021-01-05 - 2021-01-06.

Viksveen, Petter


Kvantitativ metode med statistikk, del II.

Statistikk i spesialsykepleie;

2021-01-11 - 2021-01-12.

Viksveen, Petter


Komplementær og alternativ medisin (KAM) for kreftsykepleiere.

Videreutdanning for kreftsykepleiere;


Meldahl, Laia G.; Viksveen, Petter


Involvering av ungdommer i forskning om psykisk helse. InvolveMENT-prosjektet.

Avdeling for kvalitet og helseteknologi;


Markussen, Hilde Våbenø; Aasdahl, Lene; Viksveen, Petter; Hedberg, Berith; Rise, Marit By


A treatment strategy for meeting life as it is - Patients’ and therapists’ experiences of a time limited cognitive therapy program. R = Research based presentation..

9th European Conference on Mental Health, ECMH 2020;

2020-09-30 - 2020-10-02.

Viksveen, Petter; Eikevåg, Sunniva; Hodnefjell Enge, Irene; Hærås Sæløen, Elisabeth


Adolescent and youth mental health and their use of healthcare services. Statistical analysis plan..

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning ved ungdoms bruk av psykiske helsetjenester: en systematisk litteraturstudie..

INVOLVERT-seminaret: Brukermedvirkning i tjenester som involverer barn og unge;

2020-09-30 - 2020-10-01.

Gomez Meldahl, Laia; Mustafa, Murad; Viksveen, Petter


Involvering av ungdommer i forskning om psykisk helse. InvolveMENT-prosjektet.

INVOLVERT-seminaret: Brukermedvirkning i tjenester som involverer barn og unge;

2020-09-30 - 2020-10-01.

Viksveen, Petter; Krijger, Lou


Involving adolescents in mental health research – experiences from the InvolveMENT project in Norway.

Programme Doctoral Romand en Sociologi, Switzerland;


Viksveen, Petter


Masteroppgaver i prosjektet "Laget rundt læreren og Eleven".



Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Viksveen, Petter; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Storm, Marianne


User participation and shared decision-making in adolescent mental healthcare: A qualitative study of health personnel and managements’ perspective.

5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2019-10-26 - 2019-10-28.

Viksveen, Petter; Kvamsøe, Anita Camilla; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Cuddeford, Oliver; Røislien, Jo


Facilitators and barriers to adolescents’ use of mental health services in Norway: A questionnaire survey.

5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2019-10-26 - 2019-10-28.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: A systematic review.

5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health;

2019-10-26 - 2019-10-28.

Viksveen, Petter


Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs)- Introduction to analysis.

Introduction to Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs);


Haaland, Tonnette N.; Viksveen, Petter; Andvik McLean, Maren


Jobber for å bedre psykisk helse.

NRK, Rogaland; Viksveen, Petter; Krijger, Lou


Konferanse om psykisk helse.

Viksveen, Petter; Krijger, Lou; Meldahl, Laia Gomez


Adolescent involvement in mental health research: Implications for patient safety?.

MHV 264 Patient safety - theory and practice;


Viksveen, Petter; Krijger, Lou; McLean Andvik, Maren; Meldahl, Laila Gomez; Jafaer, Murad Mustafa; Cuddeford, Oliver; Duerto, Samuel; Ibenfeldt, Maya; Tong, Mathias


Alle har en psykisk helse - Hva kan vi gjøre for å redusere stigma ved psykisk helse?.

Seminar for ungdom;


Viksveen, Petter


Komplementær og alternativ medisin og behandling, for sykepleierstudenter.



Bentsen, Signe Berit; Viksveen, Petter


Statistics using SPSS..

Master og Nursing Specialization;

2018-01-08 - 2018-01-09.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Salamonsen, Anita; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: A systematic review.

5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2018-08-30 - 2018-08-31.

Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Viksveen, Petter


Adolescent co-researchers for improvement of mental health services: Experiences from a Norwegian research project.

5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2018-08-30 - 2018-08-31.

Kvamsøe, Anita Camilla; Viksveen, Petter


The InvolveMENT research Project: Facilitators & Barriers to adolescents' use of mental health services in Norway. Model based on a questionnaire survey with 913 adolescents in 5 municipalities.

5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare;

2018-08-30 - 2018-08-31.

Viksveen, Petter


Ungdom – psykisk helse – brukermedvirkning .



Viksveen, Petter


Adolescents' mental health (2018).

International Baccalaureat presentation;


Kvamsøe, Anita Camilla; Viksveen, Petter


Hva fremmer og hva hemmer ungdoms bruk av helsetjenester for psykiske vansker? En spørreundersøkelse blant 913 ungdommer.

Barn og Unge Kongressen;

2018-04-23 - 2018-04-27.

Viksveen, Petter


Introduction to TwiCs analysis.

Introduction to Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs) seminar, Queen Mary University of London;


Viksveen, Petter


BSY250-1 18H Sykepleie til pasient og pårørende: Komplementær og alternativ medisin og behandling .

Bachelor i sykepleie;


Akerjordet, Kristin; Hagland, Hanne Røland; Aas, Randi Wågø; Viksveen, Petter; Oftedal, Bjørg Frøysland; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Wiig, Siri


How to Educate Young People to work With Public Health and Better Aging.

Nordic Edge Expo;


Viksveen, Petter


Involving adolescents in mental health research..

International Baccalaureat presentation;


Berg, Siv Hilde; Viksveen, Petter


Pasientopplevd pasientsikkerhet i mental helse: forslag til samarbeidsprosjekt .

Regionalt nettverksmøte for pasientsikkerhetsforskning i helse vest ;

2018-02-02 - 2018-02-03.

Sneberg, Cathrine; Viksveen, Petter


Snakker med ungdom om psykisk helse.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Ree, Eline; Schibevaag, Lene; Aase, Karina


Ungdom og psykisk helse, som del av InvolveMENT prosjektet..

Stand for publikum i Stavanger sentrum (InvolveMENT);


Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie


Ungdom og psykisk helse.

Bentsen, Signe Berit; Viksveen, Petter


Statistics using SPSS.

Master of Nursing Specialization;

2018-11-20 - 2018-11-22.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents' mental Health care.

Nasjonal konferane i Helsetjenesteforskning;

2017-03-14 - 2017-03-15.

Viksveen, Petter; Bjønness, Stig Erlend; Berg, Siv Hilde; Cardenas, Nicole Elizabeth; Game, Julia Rose; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne


User involvement in adolescents’ mental healthcare: protocol for a systematic review..

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 7.

Hefte 12.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018800

Wiig, Siri; Viksveen, Petter


Rikets tilstand.

SHARE Julefagmøte;

2017-12-12 - .

Viksveen, Petter


Randomised controlled trials and cohort/register data..

Master in Nursing Specialities;


Viksveen, Petter


Complementary and alternative medicine - Introduction to CAM and nurses' communication with patients about CAM..

Bachelor in Nursing;


Viksveen, Petter


Sources of multiple trials and studies. Teaching/presentation for supervisors..

Supervisor seminar;


Viksveen, Petter


Research methods and statistics..

Master of Nursing Studies;


Viksveen, Petter


Statistics using SPSS..

Master og Nursing Specialization;


Viksveen, Petter


Adolescents' mental health..

International Baccalaureat presentation.;


Viksveen, Petter


Adolescents, mental health and user involvement..

Master of Science & Master of Nursing Specialization;


Viksveen, Petter


Randomized controlled trials and cohorts/registries..

Master of Health Sciences;


Johannessen, Marthe Synnøve; Viksveen, Petter


Vet for lite om hvorfor ungdom sliter psykisk..

Viksveen, Petter


Involvement - A mental health cohort for adolescents - poster presentation..

International symposium on the ethics of 'Trials within Cohorts' (TwiCs);

2016-11-07 - 2016-11-08.

Tournier, Alex; Roberts, Rachel; Viksveen, Petter


Adverse effects of homeopathy: a systematic review of published case reports and case series - comment by Tournier et al..

International Journal of Clinical Practice.

ISSN 1368-5031.

Volum 67.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/ijcp.12138

Viksveen, Petter


CAM-CANCER - A European, evidence-based information platform for health professionals.

Onkologie (Basel).

ISSN 0378-584X.

Volum 33.


Kunstnerisk produksjon

Viksveen, Petter; Duerto, Samuel; Krijger, Lou; Meldahl, Laia Gomez; Tong, Mathias


InvolveMENT - for ungdoms psykiske helse.