Sverre Ekrene Ohm

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Sverre Ekrene Ohm


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Rom: KE E-268


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for energiressurser


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Skarstein, Guro Laurentze Sætre; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Cedeno Motta, Andres Felipe; Escalona Varela, Alejandro


Facies variations in the Upper Jurassic source rocks of the Norwegian North Sea; from micro- to macro scale.

Marine and Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0264-8172.

Volum 145.

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105856

Senger, Kim; Birchall, Thomas; Betlem, Peter; Ogata, Kei; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Olaussen, Snorre; Paulsen, Renate Strugstad


Resistivity of reservoir sandstones and organic rich shales on the Barents Shelf: Implications for interpreting CSEM data.

Geoscience Frontiers (GSF).

ISSN 1674-9871.

Volum 12.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1016/j.gsf.2020.08.007

Cedeno Motta, Andres Felipe; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Narain, Eshita; de Jager, Jan


Source rocks in the Guyana Basin: insights from geochemical investigation of fifteen heavy oils from onshore Suriname.

AAPG Memoir.

ISSN 0271-8529.


DOI: 10.1306/13692312M1233854

Cedeno Motta, Andres Felipe; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Marin Restrepo, Dora Luz; Olaussen, Snorre; Demchuk, Thomas


Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous source rocks in the Norwegian Barents Sea, part I: Organic geochemical, petrographic, and paleogeographic investigations.

Marine and Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0264-8172.

Volum 134.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105342

Cedeno Motta, Andres Felipe; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Marin Restrepo, Dora Luz; Olaussen, Snorre; Demchuk, Thomas


Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous source rocks in the Norwegian Barents Sea, part II: Insights from open- and closed-system pyrolysis experiments.

Marine and Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0264-8172.

Volum 134.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105343

Matava, Tim; Keys, Robert G.; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Volterrani, Stefano


Observing maturing source rocks on seismic reflection data.


ISSN 0016-8033.

Volum 86.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1190/geo2020-0205.1

Marin Restrepo, Dora Luz; Helleren, Solveig; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Olaussen, Snorre; Cedeno Motta, Andres Felipe; Nøhr-Hansen, Henrik; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


The Middle Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous in the SW Barents Sea: Interplay between tectonics, coarse-grained sediment supply and organic matter preservation.

Basin Research.

ISSN 0950-091X.

DOI: 10.1111/bre.12504

Helleren, Solveig; Marin, Dora; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Augustsson, Carita; Escalona Varela, Alejandro


Why does not lithology correlate with gamma-ray spikes in the shaley source rocks of the Upper Jurassic Alge Member (southwestern Barents Sea)?.

Marine and Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0264-8172.

Volum 121.

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104623

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Larsen, Leif; Olaussen, Snorre; Senger, Kim; Birchall, Thomas; Demchuk, Thomas; Hodson, Andrew; Johansen, Ingar; Titlestad, Geir Ove; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Braathen, Alvar


Discovery of shale gas in organic-rich Jurassic successions, Adventdalen, Central Spitsbergen, Norway.

Norwegian Journal of Geology.

ISSN 2387-5844.

Volum 99.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.17850/njg007

Helleren, Solveig; Marin Restrepo, Dora Luz; Augustsson, Carita; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Lateral Compositional Variations in the Upper Jurassic Source Rock in the Southwestern Barents Sea. I: 81th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2019.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 9781510888036.

Lundmark, Anders Mattias; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Strand, Tor; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Repeated post-Caledonian intra-cratonic rifting in the central North Sea: Evidence from the volcanic record in the Embla oil field.

Marine and Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0264-8172.

Volum 92.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.11.018

Cedeno Motta, Andres; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Hydrocarbon Potential Evaluation of the Southern Llanos Basin and the Western Margin of the Barbados Accretionary Prism, Caribbean Region. I: 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2017.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).

ISBN 978-94-6282-217-7.

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201701512

Lundmark, Anders Mattias; Pozer Bue, Edina; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Flaat, Kjersti; Strand, Tor; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Provenance of late Palaeozoic terrestrial sediments on the northern flank of the Mid North Sea High: detrital zircon geochronology and rutile geochemical constraints.

Geological Society Special Publication.

ISSN 0305-8719.

Volum 386.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1144/SP386.4

Abay, Tesfamariam Berhane; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Vertical variations in reservoir geochemistry in a palaeozoic trap, Embla Field, offshore Norway.

Journal of Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0141-6421.

Volum 37.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1111/jpg.12590

Lundmark, Anders Mattias; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Austrheim, Håkon Olav; Flaat, Kjersti; Strand, Tor; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Late Devonian rifting in the central North Sea: evidence from altered felsic volcanic rocks in the Embla oil field.

Marine and Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0264-8172.

Volum 29.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.06.002

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Phan, Trung Nghia; Strand, Tor; Ivevsen, Gunnar


Present Jurassic petroleum charge facing Paleozoic biodegraded oil: Geochemical challenges and potential upsides, Embla field, North Sea.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.

ISSN 0149-1423.

Volum 96.

Hefte 8.


DOI: 10.1306/01021211094

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Haneferd, Helen


Drilling conditions making wells unsuitable for fluid inclusion studies on drill cuttings.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.

ISSN 0149-1423.

Volum 95.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1306/08181010035

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Austin, TJF


Geochemically driven exploration models in uplifted areas: Examples from the Norwegian Barents Sea.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.

ISSN 0149-1423.

Volum 92.


DOI: 10.1306/06180808028

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Backer-Owe, Kristian; Pedersen, Jon Halvard; Beeley, H. S.


A drilling mud additive influencing the geochemical interpretations of hydrocarbon shows.

Petroleum Geoscience.

ISSN 1354-0793.

Volum 13.


Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild


Biogenic gas(?) in fluid inclusions from sandstones in contact with oil-mature coals.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.

ISSN 0149-1423.

Volum 91.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1306/11280606021

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Beeley, H; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Hall, PB; Foss, A


An atypical early mature oil in Block 35/1, Norwegian North Sea - hypersaline, carbonate Jurassic environment?.

Petroleum Geoscience.

ISSN 1354-0793.

Volum 12.


Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Roberts, A.; Johannessen, E.; Høiland, O.


The Paleocene sandy Siri fairway: an efficient "pipeline" draining the prolific Central Graben?.

Journal of Petroleum Geology.

ISSN 0141-6421.

Volum 29.



Olaussen, Snorre; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Marin Restrepo, Dora Luz; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Senger, Kim


Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Clastic Wedges in the north Atlantic, Barents Sea and High Arctic.

Cretaceous Park – understanding Cretaceous stratigraphic architecture and reservoir quality;

2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17.

Olaussen, Snorre; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Marin Restrepo, Dora Luz; Senger, Kim; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Clastic Wedges in the north Atlantic, Barents Sea and High Arctic.

Cretaceous Park: Understanding Cretaceous Stratigraphic Architecture & Reservoir Quality;

2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17.

Olaussen, Snorre; Senger, Kim; Birchall, Thomas; Braathen, Alvar; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Hammer, Øyvind; Koevoets, Maayke Jacqueline; Larsen, Leif; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Mørk, Mai Britt Engeness; Ogata, Kei; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Rismyhr, Bjarte


The Longyearbyen CO2 lab project: lessons learned from a decade of characterizing an unconventional reservoir-caprock system.

EAGE Fifth CO2 Geological Storage Workshop;

2018-11-21 - 2018-11-23.

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Olaussen, Snorre; Senger, Kim; Johansen, Ingar


Could uplift and erosion result in source rocks expelling huge quantities of isotopically heavy gas? Circumstantial evidence from wells on Svalbard.

Arctic Days 2017 - Arctic Energy;

2017-05-29 - 2017-05-30.

Senger, Kim; Betlem, Peter; Liira, Martin; Roy, Srikumar; Midttømme, Kirsti; Wheeler, Walter H; Beka, Thomas Ibsa; Olaussen, Snorre; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Integrated thermo-baric modelling of the gas hydrate stability zone onshore Svalbard, Arctic Norway.

International Conference on Gas Hydrates;

2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30.

Olaussen, Snorre; Senger, Kim; Mulrooney, Mark; Braathen, Alvar; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


R&D State of the art UNIS CO2 LAB Storage in a unconventional compartmentalized under pressured segmented reservoir .

CLIMIT Summit 2017;

2017-03-07 - 2017-03-08.

Senger, Kim; Birchall, Thomas; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Olaussen, Snorre; Ogata, Kei


Review of Geological Controls on Resistivity in Uplifted Basins: Insights from the Norwegian Barents Shelf.

AAPG SEG International Conference & Exhibition;

2017-10-15 - 2017-10-18.

Olaussen, Snorre; Braathen, Alvar; Larsen, Leif; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Senger, Kim


Surprising wet gas technical discovery in an under-pressured unconventional reservoir, Svalbard, Norway.

Unconventional Resource Development Enhanced Recovery and Environmental Stewardship Austin TX Unconventional Resource Development Enhanced Recovery and Environmental Stewardship;

2016-10-12 - 2016-10-13.

Abay, Tesfamariam Berhane; Karlsen, Dag Arild; Backer-Owe, Kristian; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Geochemical comparison of oils from the Central Graben: with special emphasis on correlation and transformation of oils from the Embla Field.

26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry;

2013-09-15 - 2013-09-20.

Jahren, Jens; Haile, Beyene Girma; Hellevang, Helge; Bjørlykke, Knut; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Fracture Patterns in Organic Rich Mudstones - Implications for Primary Petroleum Migration.


DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20130098

Lundmark, Anders Mattias; Bue, Edina Pozer; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Flaat, Kjersti; Strand, Tor; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Provenance of Palaeozoic terrestrial sediments in the proto-Central Graben, Mid North Sea High: detrital zircon geochronology and rutile geochemical constraints.

Sediment Provenance Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production;

2011-12-05 - 2011-12-07.

Lundmark, Anders M.; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Flett-Brown, John; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Paleozoic felsic volcanism in the Orcadian Basin, Orkney.

Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway.

Hefte 1.


Lundmark, Anders Mattias; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; brown, john; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene


Palaeozoic felsic volcanism in the Orcadian Basin, Orkney.

Oslo Winter Meeting ;

2010-01-11 - 2010-01-13.

Lundmark, Anders Mattias; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Austrheim, Håkon Olav; Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Bergfjord, Erling; Flaat, Kjertsi


The substratum of the reservoir of the Embla Field, Central Trough.

Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway.

Volum 2009.

Hefte 1.


Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild


Gas expulsion from coals (Brent and Åre Fm NOCS);New proofs and understanding.


2005-09-12 - 2005-09-16.

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild


The Paleocene sandy Siri Fairway (2); an efficient 'pipeline' draining the prolific Central Graben.

67.EAGE Conference Madrid 2005;

2005-06-12 - 2005-06-17.

Ohm, Sverre Ekrene; Karlsen, Dag Arild


The Paleocene Sandy Siri Fairway; An efficient 'pipeline' draining the prolofic Danish Central Graben?.

The 32nd IGC Florence;

2004-08-21 - 2004-08-28.