Utku Ali Riza Alpaydin


Utku Ali Riza Alpaydin


Telefon: 51832959

E-post: utku.alpaydin@uis.no

Rom: AR T-200


Divisjon for innovasjon og samfunn

Avdeling for innovasjon og eksterne relasjoner

Kort om meg

Utku Ali Rıza Alpaydın has many years’ experience in regional development and planning, project management, grant administration and international cooperation. As External Funding and Innovation Adviser, Utku is primarily responsible for collaborative projects involving industrial partners. He helps increasing the connection between UiS researchers and external stakeholders in several topics such as Circular Economy and Renewable Energy.

Utku obtained his PhD in Innovation Management from the University of Stavanger in April, 2021. Being involved in the H2020 ITN project "The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development (RUNIN)", Utku wrote his PhD thesis on ‘University-industry collaborations (UICs): A matter of proximity dimensions?’. In line with his background, Utku currently works on the regional innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems and is involved in BOOGIE-U (Boosting Innovation and Entrepreneurship through European Universities) Project.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza; Fitjar, Rune Dahl


How do university-industry collaborations benefit innovation? Direct and indirect outcomes of different collaboration types.

Growth and Change.

ISSN 0017-4815.

Volum 55.

Hefte 2.

DOI: 10.1111/grow.12721

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


Exploring the Spatial Reach of Co-publication Partnerships of Multinational Enterprises: To What Extent Does Geographical Proximity Matter?.

Regional Studies, Regional Science.

ISSN 2168-1376.

Volum 6.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2019.1583601

Bøker og kapitler

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


Guidelines for structure for regional innovation hub.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


Report on relevant local hubs competencies and thematic areas.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Collaborations (UICs): A Matter of Proximity Dimensions?.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7644-991-4.

Hefte 576.

Ahoba-Sam, Rhoda; Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza; Atta-Owusu, Kwadwo; Cinar, Ridvan; Evers, Gerwin; Guerrero, David Fernández; Fonseca, Liliana; Germain-Alamartine, Eloïse; Kopelyan, Sofya; Manrique, Sergio; Meloyan, Aleena; Moghadam Saman, Saeed; Nguyen, Huong; Nieth, Lisa; Salomaa, Maria; Schuijff, Mirjam; Nieth, Lisa


Higher Education Institutes and the Twente Board .


Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Collaborations (UICs): A Matter of Proximity Dimensions?.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza; Jacobsen, Troels Gyde


University Innovation Hubs: Upscaling ecosystems from local to transnational arena.

University Industry Interaction Conference;

2022-06-13 - 2022-06-15.

Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


How do University-Industry Collaborations Benefit Innovation? Direct and Indirect Outcomes of Different Collaboration Types.

EcoHubI seminar;


Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza; Jacobsen, Troels Gyde


University Innovation Hubs: Upscaling ecosystems from local to transnational arena...

R&D Management Conference;

2022-07-11 - 2022-07-13.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


Smart Cities: An Untapped Potential for Universities’ Third Mission.

NORSI Research School Conference;

2019-01-17 - 2019-01-18.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Interactions from Proximity Lenses: Reflections from Norway.

University-Industry Interaction Conference;

2019-06-18 - 2019-09-20.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Interactions from Proximity Lenses: Reflections from Norway..

Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference;

2019-09-26 - 2019-09-28.

Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


Hvordan samarbeider norske bedrifter med universiteter og høgskoler?.

Fortid - nåtid - framtid: Universitets- og høgskolesektorens regionale form og betydning;


Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


The Role of Universities in Smart City Projects.

XVI. Triple Helix Conference;

2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Interactions (UIINs): A Matter of Proximity Dimensions?.

RUNIN Impact Workshop;


Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


How can universities contribute to the “soft power” of their states?.


Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Collaborations (UICs) for Innovation A Matter of Proximity Dimensions?.

RUNIN Mid-Term Review Meeting;

2018-09-19 - 2018-09-20.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza; Atta-Owusu, Kwadwo; Moghadam Saman, Saeed


The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development: The Case of Rogaland Region.

12th Regional Innovation Policies Conference (RIP2017);

2017-10-26 - 2017-10-27.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


University-Industry Collaborations (UICs) for Innovation: A Matter of Proximity Dimensions?.

RUNIN Workshop with policy makers;


Kunstnerisk produksjon

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


Video Abstract: Exploring the Spatial Reach of Co-publication Partnerships of Multinational Enterprises: To What Extent Does Geographical Proximity Matter?.

Alpaydin, Utku Ali Riza


PhD project on university-industry collaborations for innovation.