Writing your Ph.D.

The library has collected services and resources you will need at the beginning of your project. You will also find advice and guidance regarding the publishing process.

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Search for litterature

Oria and our databases will be useful during your Ph.D. studies. The contact librarian for your faculty or department can guide you on how to search for relevant literature. You can also send us an email at ub@uis.no, and we will forward your request to the right person.

Data management

Do you have a plan for gathering data for your thesis? A data management plan can help you plan how to handle your research data from start to end. It is expected that all research projects receiving public financial support, for example from The Research Council of Norway, have a data management plan. The Library can give you advice on how to create such a plan, and how to archive your data.

Academic writing

Our mentors at the Study lab can give you individual guidance in academic writing. They also offer writing groups. Contact them at studieverksted@uis.no for more information and booking.

Tools and library classes

The library offers classes that helps you with academic writing and reference management. Read more about each tool, or see our calendar for the next available class.

  • Zotero and EndNote are reference mangament tools. These tools can help you manage your sources, insert citations and create a bibliography in your document. We highly recommend using a reference management tool while writing assignments, articles and your thesis.
  • LaTeX is a text-editing program that can be used instead of Word. It is convenient to use if your document includes mathematical equations, cross references and references.
  • Nvivo helps you visualize large amounts of qualitative data.
  • Rayyan is a tool for screening references for systematic reviews or other large literature reviews.

The Library recommends

Citations and sources

The library has collected information about citations and source evaluation. Among other things you will find help for different citation styles.

PhD on Track

PhD on Track is a useful online resource, where you will find information about litterature search, academic writing and publishing.

Courses and seminars

The Research Department at UiS offers classes, workshops and seminars for Ph.D. candidates.


Contact librarians

Ine Idsøe Fjelldal

UiS Business School The Norwegian School of Hotel Management Department of Safety, Economics and Planning (Economics) ine.i.fjelldal@uis.no

Håkon Magne Bjerkan

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science Department of Safety, Economics and Planning (Planning) hakon.m.bjerkan@uis.no

Inger Gåsemyr

Department of Energy Resources Institutt for energi- Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering Department of Safety, Economics and Planning (Safety) inger.gasemyr@uis.no

Kari Østerli Frafjord

Department of Mathematics and Physics Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering kari.frafjord@uis.no

Svanlaug Takle

Archeological museum svanlaug.takle@uis.no

Terje Blåsteres

Department of Cultural Studies and Languages Department of Media and Social Sciences (Social Sciences) terje.blasternes@uis.no

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Library remote access

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About Rayyan

Rayyan is a free, web-based tool that lets you screen your references for systematic reviews or other large literature r...

About LaTeX

LaTeX is an advanced document preparation system designed for large and complex documents. LaTeX is a great tool if you ...

About NVivo

Overwhelmed by large amounts of non-numerical data? NVivo is a great tool if you need to sort through qualitative data s...

About Tableau

Tableau allows you to quickly make large and unmanageable data into easy-to-read overviews. You can convert data into ch...

About Zotero

Zotero is a free and user-friendly program that creates references and bibliographies for you. Zotero collects and keeps...

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About EndNote

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Search for scientific literature

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