
Cristin displays your research and helps make it available and accessible. The library can answer your questions about Cristin.

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Cristin will be closed for registration

Due to the transition to a new system, Cristin will be closed for registration after the summer, and not in June as previously announced.

We will update this information as soon as we know the exact date.

Due to the shutdown, registration will not be possible, but during this period you can still look up and see results and projects in Cristin. You can use the summer to register articles, book chapters and books. Conference contributions and academic presentations can also register.

The new system Nasjonalt vitenarkiv (NVA) will be available in October 2024, and you will get guidance from the library.

Articles, chapters, and books can be registered as normal until June. Conference lectures and academic presentations can also be registered.  

If you wish to register for other activities, contact the library.

Cristin is a national research information system that:

  • Collects and makes information on research and dissemination activities at UiS available
  • Reports scientific publications from UiS to the Ministry of Education and Research
  • Documents and displays your research

Every researcher registers his or her scientific publications and research dissemination activities in the Cristin database.

Log in

Go to Cristin to register scientific research.

Contact us

Contact us if you have any question or need help with Cristin.

For UiS to be able to report a publication and receive publishing points, UiS must be named as the author affiliation in the published work.

Only the author of a publication can be credited. More information on author affiliations and addressing can be found in the national reporting instructions, section 2.2.

If you work at the UiS and have a part-time position/other position at another institution, or you work at another institution and have a part-time position at the UiS, or you are an external/unpaid lecturer/researcher at the UiS or a PhD-candidate, you can read more in the UiS’s guidelines for addressing (in Norwegian).

The registrations of the scientific publications go through a quality check and are reported to Hkdir: Database for statistics on higher education for submission to the Ministry of Education and Research.

Information on how to register a scientific publication in Cristin

You can generate reports and overview of results related to projects financed by the Norwegian Research Council, the EU or research centres and programme areas at the UiS. For this to be possible, every researcher must register the project number in each publication/activity registration.

If you wonder which category you should choose for your registration, you can find information on the different Cristin categories here.

Contact us for training:

Every researcher must upload and archive the full text pdfs of his or her articles when they are registered in Cristin.

According to the Norwegian Research Council’s guidelines for open access to research results financed by them, a copy of all articles (pre-print, post-print, published version) must be made openly accessible to all.

EA scientific publication must meet the requirements of the national reporting instructions in order to get publishing points:

  • Present new insight
  • Be presented in a form which makes the results verifiable or usable in new research
  • Be presented in a language and have a distribution which makes it accessible for the majority of researchers who may be interested in it
  • Be in a publication channel (journal, series, publisher, web site) with routines for "peer review". You can find the publication channel register here.

The university library has the responsibility to control that what is reported as scientific publications for publishing points fulfill the requirements in the national reporting instruction.

Remember that your UiS affiliation must be stated clearly in the author address area in the publication. Monographs and articles in anthologies must be submitted to the Local Board of Scholarly Publishing at the University Library. The Board will check if the requirements for scientific publication is fulfilled before approval and reporting

The Local Board of Scholarly Publishing at the University Library has the following members:

The University Library works in accordance with the Guidelines for approval of scientific publications at UiS.

Contact us if you have any questions regarding approval and reporting of scientific publications.

Remember to register all your research activities in Cristin. Points for dissemination activities are awarded to the institute/faculty, calculated through UiS’ internal allocation model. Through this internal allocation dissemination activities which are not financially rewarded through the national model, will be locally rewarded.

Special reward

Dissemination activities within artistic and museum work must be registered in Cristin in the appropriate categories, in the same way as research activities. Activities which are candidates for special rewards must be marked with “Level A” or “Level B” in the abstract field. Contact us for more information: .

You can find information on the different Cristin categories here.

You can generate reports and overview of results related to projects financed by the Norwegian Research Council, the EU or research centres and programme areas at the UiS. For this to be possible, every researcher must register the project number in each publication/activity registration.

In order for the publication/article/paper to achieve publishing points, it must be published in a channel approved in the Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and publishers.

The register lists the journals, series and publishers approved on level 1 and 2. The register is administered jointly by the National Board of Scholarly Publishing and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data.

If there is a channel you cannot find in the register, you can suggest a new one here.  The deadline for submitting suggestions for new publication channels is November 30 in order for it to be approved as giving points for the current year.

Every researcher can also suggest that an existing level 1 channel should be elevated to a level 2 channel by sending a comment to the relevant scientific panel under The National Board of Scholarly Publishing. There is a commentary function directly on the website in the list of journals for each scientific panel.

Weighting of publication types and publication channels

Types of publication are weighted differently both among themselves and between level 1 and level 2. This weighting forms the basis for calculation of publication points.

Publication type:

  • Monograph (ISBN/ISSN): Level 1 gives 5 points. Level 2 gives 8 points.
  • Article in anthology (ISBN): Level 1 gives 0,7 points. Level 2 gives 1 point.
  • Article in periodical or series (ISSN): Level 1 gives 1 point. Level 2 gives 3 points.


For en publikasjon med tilknytning til flere institusjoner eFor a publication with affiliation to more than UiS, publication points are calculated as follows:

  1. Calculate the total number of author shares in the publication. An author's share is any unique combination of authors and institutions in the publication
  2. Calculate how many author shares the institution has, and divide by the total number of author shares
  3. Calculate the square root of the number (fraction) from point 2
  4. Multiply by points for the level and type
  5. Multiply by 1.3 if the publication has affiliations to foreign institutions

You can find more information about the calculation at the Norwegian Publication Indicator.

Superusers in Cristin:

Senior Librarian
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Senior Adviser
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Senior Librarian
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library

Contact people at the faculties and at the Museum of Archaeology

Museum of Archaeology

Svanlaug Takle Tlf: 51 83 26 11

The Business School at UiS

Åse Lea Tlf: 51 83 37 47

Faculty of Arts and Education

Marianne Trå Tlf: 51 83 15 17

Faculty of Social Science

Marianne Gjerlaugsen Tlf: 51 83 15 69

Faculty of Science and Technology

Astrid Elisabet Tveitaskog

The Health Faculty

Shalini Premachandran Frøiland Tlf: 51 83 10 82

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