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Faculties and Divisions
Museum of Archaeology
Division of Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
Knowledge Centre for Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Department of Education and Sports Science
Department of Early Childhood Education
Faculty of Performing Arts
Board Secretariat
UiS School of Business and Law
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Finance Department
Section for Externally Funded Projects
Section for Salary and Travel Expenses
Procurement Section
Section for Budget and Accounting
IT Department
HR department
Department of Corporate Governance and Development
Department of Facilities Management
Division of Innovation and Society
Division of Research
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National Centre for Reading Education and Research
Faculty of Arts and Education
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Finance Department
Section for Salary and Travel Expenses
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Adriana Gerarda Bus
Aline Alves-Wold
Associate Professor
Ann Kristin Henriksen
Ann-Charlotte Aksnes
PhD Candidate
Anne Mangen
Arild Michel Bakken
Associate Professor
Arne Olav Nygard
Associate Professor
Aslaug Fodstad Gourvennec
Associate Professor
Atle Skaftun
Benjamin Waldejer
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bente Rigmor Walgermo
Associate Professor
Bjørn Arild Hansen Ersland
Britt Elin Kjørholt
Head of Section
Camilla Lausund Fitjar
Associate Professor
Egil Gabrielsen
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Elisabeth Brekke Stangeland
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Rege Filbrandt
Assistant Professor
Ellen Tveit
PhD Candidate
Ellinor Waaland
PhD Candidate
Erin Margaret McTigue
Eva Margareta Hultin
Gunn Helen Ofstad
Associate Professor
Hege Rangnes
Associate Professor
Heidi Elin Torgersen
Higher Executive Officer
Hilde Børresen Hagerup
Hilde Lowell Gunnerud
Associate Professor
Hildegunn Støle
Associate Professor
Inga Kjerstin Birkedal
Assistant Professor
Ingeborg Margrete Berge
Associate Professor
Ingeborg Marie Jensen
PhD Candidate
Inger Kristine Holm-Berger
PhD Candidate
Ingvild Øksenvåg Strøm
PhD Candidate
Irina Mihailenko
Senior Executicve Officer
Jacqueline Michelle Peterson
Assistant Professor
Joakim Evensen Hansen
Associate Professor
Johanne Ur Sæbø
Associate Professor
Julie Arntzen
PhD Candidate
Kari Aspen
Higher Executive Officer
Karianne Megard Grønli
PhD Candidate
Karoline Sikveland
Higher Executive Officer
Katrine Nag Vatne
PhD Candidate
Khatira Ataie Gumadin
Higher Executive Officer
Kjersti Lundetræ
Head of Centre
Knud Knudsen
Maiken Thomassen
Margunn Mossige
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Mari Sommer Hoel
PhD Candidate
Maria Therese Jensen
Marit Aasen
Assistant Professor
Marita Olderkjær
Higher Executive Officer
Marte Pupe Støyva
PhD Candidate
Maya Dybvig Joner
Assistant Professor
Merete Haugstad
PhD Candidate
Michael Tengberg
Michelle Nina Maurer
Assistant Professor
Miriam Emilie Choi-Natvik
PhD Candidate
Monica Gundersen Mitchell
Associate Professor
Nicklas Christopher Phillips
PhD Candidate
Njål Foldnes
Olaug Strand
Associate Professor
Per Henning Uppstad
Silje Kristoffersen
Associate Professor
Svein Inge Vaage
Higher Executive Officer
Tine Riis Andersen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Tommy Ramsland
Senior Adviser
Toril Frafjord Hoem
Trude Hoel
Unni Synnøve Fuglestad
Assistant Professor
Vibeke Rønneberg
Associate Professor
Viktoria Loretto Holsey Foss
PhD Candidate
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