Become a teaching assistant at UiS Business School!

We are looking for talented and motivated students who want to combine their studies with a job during fall 2024. The application deadline is May 16th.

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We are looking for TAs in the following subjects

Bachelor in Business Administration

BØK108 Matematisk metode for økonomer (in English) BØK195 Grunnleggende regnskap og bedriftsøkonomi (in Norwegian) BØK260 Corporate Finance (in English) BØK365 Intermediate microeconomics (in English) BØK385 Entrepreneurship and Business Plan (in English) BØK455 Internasjonal økonomi (in English)

Bachelor in Law

BRV220 Erstatningsrett (in Norwagian) BRV305 Velferdsrett (in Norwegian) BRV350 Tingsrett (in Norwegian) BRV360 Arbeidsrett (in Norwegian)

Master in Business Administration

MSB102 Business Decisions (in English) MSB103 Data Analytics (in English) MSB107 Microeconomics (in English) MSB108 Strategic Management (in English) MSB255 Supply Chain and Operations Management (in English) MSB350 Environmental Economics (in English) MSB415 Sustainable Entrepreneurship (in English)

Students with TA experience are preferred over others when we are recruiting. This is because they have relevant experience and have shown commitment during their studies.

Anne Cathrin Østebø , CEO of Validé
Working hours, salary and criteria
Working hours

How much a TA works depends on the teacher in collaboration with the TA. It can range from a few hours a single week to 10 hours per week. Working hours always include contact time with students and time for preparation (eg preparation for seminars and review of assignments). Working hours are agreed upon between the TA and the teacher, and approved by the dean/program manager. As a full-time student, the work should in any case not exceed 10 hours per week. The semester begins with a startup seminar that all student assistants are required to attend.


TAs are paid on an hourly basis in accordance with current government pay regulations. Bachelor students: 206 NOK per hour Master students: 210 NOK per hour


You must have obtained at least grade B on the course in which you are to be a TA. Teachers choose their TA based on academic results and personal suitability. If you have an education from another institution, you must send your diploma with documentation on the grades in the subjects you want to be a TA in. Send the diploma by e-mail to Cecilie E. Lund ( Mark in your diploma which subjects that is. Students who don't send this documentation will not be considered. You have to be a 2nd-year master student to be a TA on the masterclasses.

Certificate of employment

All TAs will receive a certificate of employment.

Why become a teaching assistant?

Here are five good reasons!

1. Relevant work experience on your resume gives you an advantage

Employers do not just look at education and grades when recruiting. How do you stand out from other graduates with the same education? A job as a TA gives you relevant work experience even before you have graduated. By combining work and studies, you also show that you are structured and that you have good work capacity.

2. It is a paid and sought-after job with a strong signaling effect

It is a part-time job that can be combined with full-time studies. Being a TA signals some important competencies: You are skilled, committed and motivated. The fact that you have been a TA signals that you are willing to take on a challenge and are not afraid to throw yourself into something new.

3. It promotes academic development

There is hardly a better way to learn than to teach. By explaining the subject matter to fellow students, you yourself develop a deeper understanding of the subject. It also stimulates your creativity and communication skills, because you have to deal with students with different backgrounds and skills.

4. It promotes personal development

The vast majority are uncomfortable presenting in front of an audience. But - this is about training! The farther you dare to go beyond your comfort zone, the bigger it gets. You will also experience the joy of seeing how fellow students, because of your help, understand a difficult theory that you yourself recently struggled with – and finally understood.

5. You will excel in teamwork and build a network

As a TA you get the opportunity to build important social and professional networks as you work closely with the teachers at HH. Good collaboration skills are highly valued in working life.

Meet a recruiter and a former student assistant

Erika Berle, doctoral research fellow and former manager of Deloitte.