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Faculties and Divisions
Museum of Archaeology
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UiS School of Business and Law
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
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Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science
Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering
Department of Energy Resources
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Fakultetsadministrasjonen HV
Department of Caring and Ethics
Department of Quality and Health Technology
Department of Public Health
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
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Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Caring and Ethics
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Albert Lunde
Adjunct Associate Professor
Alexander Trengereid
PhD Candidate
Ana Llopis Alvarez
Associate Professor
Anavil Ahluwalia
PhD Candidate
Anders Galaasen Bakken
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anders Riel Müller
Associate Professor
Andréa Aparecida Goncalves Nes
Andreea-Laura Cojocaru
Associate Professor
Angelena Ursula Moore
Assistant Professor
Ann Nesse
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anne Gunn Dovland Vassbø
Assistant Professor
Anne Marie Gausel
Adjunct Associate Professor
Ari Krisna Mawira Tarigan
Associate Professor
Arild Eskeland
Assistant Professor
Atle Øglend
Ayda Joudavi
PhD Candidate
Azadeh Seif Askari
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bente Dahl
Bente Skogen
PhD Candidate
Birgitta Haga Gripsrud
Bjørg Egeland Madland
University College Teacher
Bjørn Ivar Kruke
Brit Sissel Dragsund Fagerjord
University College Teacher
Brynhild Stavland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen
Cathrine Witnes Karlson
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Chandra Prakash Paneru
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Christian Henrik Alexander Kuran
Associate Professor
Christina Tølbøl Frøiland
Associate Professor
Claudia Morsut
Associate Professor
Cristian Tosa
Associate Professor
Damoun Nassehi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Daniela Müller-Eie
Daniella Judit Rozsa
PhD Candidate
David Chapman
Associate Professor
Dikshya Bhandari
PhD Candidate
Edna Kristin Røyrvik
University College Teacher
Eirik Bjorheim Abrahamsen
Eivind Lars Rake
Associate Professor
Eivind Lorentzen-Styr
PhD Candidate
Eivor Vik
Assistant Professor
Elin Reilstad Sirevåg
University College Teacher
Elisabeth Jonassen Harbin
Assistant Professor
Ellen Ramvi
Eva Christina Furskog-Risa
Associate Professor
Fabio Alberto Hernandez Palacio
Associate Professor
Frank Asche
Frederic Emmanuel Bouder
Frida Layti
PhD Candidate
Gaute Terning
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Geir Petter Novik
Adjunct Associate Professor
Grethe Heidi Bjerga
Associate Professor
Gry Ciekals Wallgren
Assistant Professor
Guicang Peng
Guizhou Wang
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Gun Ingela Jobe
Associate Professor
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