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Department of Early Childhood Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Media and Social Sciences
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Abit Hoxha
Assistant Professor
Adrian Kristinsønn Jacobsen
PhD Candidate
Aina Kristine Jenseg Fiskå
Assistant Professor
Alina Silitrari
PhD Candidate
Anders Vassenden
Andrea Csaszni Rygh
PhD Candidate
Ane Lyngstad Oltedal
Assistant Professor
Angela Subedi
PhD Candidate
Anita Berge
Head of Department
Anita Stokkeland Øen
Assistant Professor
Ann-Karin Tennås Holmen
Anna Karin Elisabet Rylander Eklund
Adjunct Associate Professor
Anne Karin Fotland
Assistant Professor
Anne Kristine Solberg Runestad
Associate Professor
Astrid Kristine Kloster Særvoll
University College Teacher
Aud Torill Meland
Associate Professor
Barbara Maria Sageidet
Beate Gilje Tumyr
Associate Professor
Benjamin Ronald Silvester
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bente Gurine Kvitvær Nordmo
Associate Professor
Bianca Alighieri Luz Monteiro
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bjørn Arild Laland Fuglesten
PhD Candidate
Bjørn-Tore Blindheim
Associate Professor
Carl Cato Wadel
Associate Professor
Carl Chineme Okafor
Carlo Michael Knotz
Associate Professor
Caroline Eltervåg
Catharina Petronella Johanna van Trijp
Associate Professor
Cathrine Fuglestad
Assistant Professor
Cato Wittusen
Cecilie Larsen
PhD Candidate
Corinna Maria Lauerer
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dagmar Anita Jakobsen
Associate Professor
Dian Liu
Associate Professor
Eleni Damopoulou
PhD Candidate
Elin Kirsti Lie Reikerås
Elin Merethe Oftedal
Elisabeth Barstad
Associate Professor
Ellen Jenny Torgersen Ravndal
Associate Professor
Elsa Helen Kaltvedt
Assistant Professor
Enes Sari
PhD Candidate
Enrico Pollarolo
Assistant Professor
Erik Gagné Knudsen
Head Engineer
Espen Mathiesen
Associate Professor
Eva Marianne Johansson
Ezgi Pehlivanli Kadayifci
Postdoctoral Fellow
francesca Granone
Associate Professor
Fredrik Dahle Vedholm
PhD Candidate
Geir Sverre Braut
Gunnar Magnus Eidsvåg
Gunnar Thesen
Hallgeir Skretting
Hallgjerd Byrkjeland
Associate Professor
Hande Eslen Ziya
Hans Borge
Associate Professor
Hans Eirik Voktor
Hege Hervik
Assistant Professor
Helga Vössing-Lahmeyer
Assistant Professor
Helle Sjøvaag
Ine Larsen Måneby
Assistant Professor
Ingeborg Opheim Vinge
Assistant Professor
Inger Benny Espedal Tungland
Associate Professor
Inger Frøyland Riska
Assistant Professor
Ingrid Rusnes
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ingunn Berrefjord Ugelstad
Associate Professor
Ingvil Førland Hellstrand
Iryna Fyshchuk
Associate Professor
Jan Erik Karlsen
Janne Tjensvoll Stangeland
Assistant Professor
Jannike Lyngtun
Assistant Professor
Jens Kaae Fisker
Associate Professor
Johana Evelyn Montalvan Castilla
Associate Professor
Jon Øgaard Schjelderup
Assistant Professor
Jorunn Mathy
PhD Candidate
Joseph Francis Doolen
PhD Candidate
Julia Doksæter Horn
Assistant Professor
Julide Ceren Ahi
University College Teacher
Kari Guttormsen Hempel
Katarzyna Anna Tunkiel
Associate Professor
Kirsten Halle
Kjersti Lønning Velde
Assistant Professor
Kjersti Nesheim
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kristian Skagen Ekeli
Kristiane Marie Fjær Lindland
Associate Professor
Kristin Fugelsnes
Associate Professor
Kristin Grøsvik
Associate Professor
Laila Maria Fredriksson
Associate Professor
Lars Yngve Rosell
Associate Professor
Lea Marie Maison
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Lea Marie Sasse
PhD Candidate
Lisbeth Iversen
Assistant Professor
Liv Ingeborg Tengesdal
Liv Sunnercrantz
Associate Professor
Margareth Pollestad
Assistant Professor
Margrethe Jernes
Associate Professor
Maria Dardanou
Associate Professor
Marianne Larsen Undheim
Associate Professor
Marianne Ree
Associate Professor
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