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Faculties and Divisions
Museum of Archaeology
Museum of Archaeology
Division of Education
Division of Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Faculty Administration UH
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Avdeling Porsgrunn
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
Knowledge Centre for Education
Knowledge Centre for Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Department of Education and Sports Science
Department of Education and Sports Science
Department of Early Childhood Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty of Performing Arts
Board Secretariat
Board Secretariat
UiS School of Business and Law
UiS School of Business and Law
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
Fakultetsadministrasjonen HV
Fakultetsadministrasjonen HV
Department of Caring and Ethics
Department of Caring and Ethics
Department of Quality and Health Technology
Department of Quality and Health Technology
Department of Public Health
Department of Public Health
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Division of Organisation and Infrastructure
Division of Innovation and Society
Division of Innovation and Society
Division of Research
Division of Research
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Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Caring and Ethics
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Anders Galaasen Bakken
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
André Baraldsnes
Senior Adviser
Andréa Aparecida Goncalves Nes
Andreas Østbø Fidjeland
Associate Professor
Angelena Ursula Moore
Assistant Professor
Ann Nesse
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anna Gausland Tjelta
PhD Candidate
Anna Lange Moi
PhD Candidate
Anne Gunn Dovland Vassbø
Assistant Professor
Anne Kristin Hansen Andresen
Assistant Professor
Anne Marie Gausel
Adjunct Associate Professor
Anne Wilson
University College Teacher
Anne-Lene Skog Dahl
Assistant Professor
Arild Eskeland
Assistant Professor
Arne Fredrik Rygh
University College Teacher
Awal Mohammed Larechibara Alhassan
Associate Professor
Beate Mellemsether
University College Teacher
Benjamin Sæstad Beyene
PhD Candidate
Bente Dahl
Bente Granberg
Assistant Professor
Bente Skogen
PhD Candidate
Berit Johanne Sletten
University College Teacher
Birgitta Haga Gripsrud
Bjørg Egeland Madland
University College Teacher
Brit Sissel Dragsund Fagerjord
University College Teacher
Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen
Cecilie Evertsen
Associate Professor
Charlotte Helen Haaland Hancock
PhD Candidate
Christina Tølbøl Frøiland
Associate Professor
Dag Jostein Nordaker
Head of Centre
Dagmar Strohmeier
Damoun Nassehi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Daniella Judit Rozsa
PhD Candidate
Dieuwer Ten Braak
Associate Professor
Dziuginta Baraldsnes
Associate Professor
Ebru Ozbek
PhD Candidate
Edna Kristin Røyrvik
University College Teacher
Eija Kristiina Pakarinen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Elin Nesvoll Vangsnes
Assistant Professor
Elin Reilstad Sirevåg
University College Teacher
Elisabeth Jonassen Harbin
Assistant Professor
Ella Bjerga Pettersen
Ellen Elvethon
Assistant Professor
Ellen Ramvi
Erik Nordgreen
Assistant Professor
Erling Georg Roland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Eva Christina Furskog-Risa
Associate Professor
Frank Rafaelsen
Assistant Professor
Gabriele Lauterbach
Postdoctoral Fellow
Grete Sørensen Vaaland
Associate Professor
Grethe Heidi Bjerga
Associate Professor
Gry Ciekals Wallgren
Assistant Professor
Gun Ingela Jobe
Associate Professor
Gunita Gurveer Kaur Mudhar
PhD Candidate
Guro Lien
Assistant Professor
Guttorm Hermann Helgøy
Senior Adviser
Hanna Skog
PhD Candidate
Hanne Jahnsen
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Hanne Løhre Sandnes
Assistant Professor
Hanne Mette Kristiansen Vindvik
Assistant Professor
Hege Bjøkne Wathne
Associate Professor
Heidi Pedersen Skåtøy
Assistant Professor
Helene Jeanette Bostrøm
Assistant Professor
Henning Plischewski
Assistant Professor
Hilde Thoresen
Assistant Professor
Hildegunn Fandrem
Håvard Ragnhildstveit
University College Teacher
Ida Helene Mykkeltveit
Head of Department
Ida Holth Mathiesen
Assistant Professor
Ida Risanger Sjursø
Associate Professor
Inger Økland
Inger-Marie Palmgren
Assistant Professor
Ingrid Bjerkholt Aamlid
Praksisveileder i jordmorfag
Ingrid Margrethe Leiknes
Ingrid Skage
Associate Professor
Ingrid Veronika Midteide Løkken
Associate Professor
Ingunn Størksen
Janet Bakken
Assistant Professor
Janken Camilla Sæbø
Assistant Professor
Janne Gabrielle Hunsbeth
Assistant Professor
Janne Hansen Kjosavik
University College Teacher
Janne Marit Vistnes
PhD Candidate
Janne Støen
Associate Professor
Jenni Elina Salminen
Associate Professor
Joachim Kolnes
Associate Professor
Joakim Caspersen
Johannes Nilsson Finne
Associate Professor
Kaja Lillelien
PhD Candidate
Kari Kaldestad
Associate Professor
Kari Stamland Gusfre
Associate Professor
Kari Vevatne
Pensjonistavlønning - vitenskapelig
Karianne Wahlin Hansen
University College Teacher
Kine Gjesdal
Head of Department
Kirsten Lode
Kjersti Balle Tharaldsen
Associate Professor
Kjersti Stange Waaland
University College Teacher
Kjetil Moen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Klara Øverland
Associate Professor
Kleng Brekkå
Assistant Professor
Kristin Kavli Adriansen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kristina Sundt Eriksen
Associate Professor
Kristine Næss
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kristine Rørtveit
Ksenia Solheim
Associate Professor
Lars Edvin Bru
Lene Vestad
Associate Professor
Linda Susanne Nyholm
Line Johanne Øvrebø
Assistant Professor
Linne Christin Tangen
Assistant Professor
Liv Jorunn Byrkjedal-Sørby
Assistant Professor
Luisa Morello
PhD Candidate
Magnus Nordbø
Assistant Professor
Malene Søiland
Assistant Professor
Malin Maria Dramdal
Assistant Professor
Maren Stabel Tvedt
Associate Professor
Maren Stahl Lerang
Associate Professor
Margareth Kristoffersen
Maria Handeland
Assistant Professor
Marianne Callan Gjerstad
University College Teacher
Marianne Torve Martinsen
Associate Professor
Marit Selstad Alm Bru
Øvingslærer i operasjonssykepleie
Marta Høyland Lavik
Martyna Bell
PhD Candidate
May Liss Olsen Tobiassen
Assistant Professor
Merete Kristin Fjellstad
Assistant Professor
Mona Katrin Wold
Assistant Professor
Monica Charlotte Lyngnes
University College Teacher
Monica Hetlesæther Fosmark
Assistant Professor
Monica Nes
Assistant Professor
Narges Ranginkaman
PhD Candidate
Natalia Kucirkova
Nina Grini
Assistant Professor
Nora Østby
Assistant Professor
Oana McDowell
Assistant Professor
Pål Roland
Radel James Eumague Gacumo
PhD Candidate
Ragna Kleppa
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Ragnhild Lenes
Associate Professor
Randi Myklebust Sølvik
Associate Professor
Rolf Inge Thorsen
Associate Professor
Sebastian Rehnman
Selina Eckhoff Hamadi
PhD Candidate
Shan Hu
PhD Candidate
Sigrun Karin Ertesvåg
Silje Espejord
Assistant Professor
Silje Håvarstein
University College Teacher
Silje Merete Carlsen
University College Teacher
Silje Vignes Flesjå
Assistant Professor
Simona Carla Silvia Caravita
Sissel Edvardsen
Assistant Professor
Sissel Merete Finholt-Pedersen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Sissel Steinberg Sørheim
Assistant Professor
Siv Tove Aunan
Associate Professor
Solveig Iren Roth
Associate Professor
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