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Department of Social Studies
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Public Health
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Aksel Leknes
PhD Candidate
Aksel Paulsen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Alberto Danilo Garcia
Aleksandar Bozic
Associate Professor
Aleksander Hagen Erga
Aleksandra Latinovic
Assistant Professor
Aleksandra Sevic
Assistant Professor
Allaug Ulevåg Oksum
Assistant Professor
Andreas Håheim
Assistant Professor
Ane Kristine Bendixen
Assistant Professor
Anette Sola Foss
Assistant Professor
Anna Elisabeth Willumsen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anne Ingeborg Apeland Svalastog
Associate Professor
Anne Katrine Folkman
Associate Professor
Anne Marie Lunde Husebø
Anne Marte Løvik
Assistant Professor
Anne Schanche Selbekk
Associate Professor
Ayan Abdi Mohamoud Handulle
Associate Professor
Ayo Zahra
PhD Candidate
Bente Hamre Larsen
PhD Candidate
Bente Kristin Høgmo
Associate Professor
Berit Misund Dahl
Adjunct Associate Professor
Bianka Anna Karshikoff
Associate Professor
Bjørg Karlsen
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Brita Gjerstad
Associate Professor
Britt Ingunn Misund
Associate Professor
Britt Marit Haga
Head of Department
Britt Sætre Hansen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Cato Horpestad Slettvold
PhD Candidate
Christine Tvedt-Gundersen
Assistant Professor
Christophe Eward Kattouw
Associate Professor
Cille Hagland Sevild
Cornel Maria Nesseler
Associate Professor
Daniel Elijah Scheiene
Student Assistant
Eden Begna Gobena
Postdoctoral Fellow
Eirik Haarr
PhD Candidate
Eli Karine Vik Klungre
Assistant Professor
Elisabeth Enoksen
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Lind Melbye
Elise Rosenvinge Syse
Endre Hatlen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Erik Paulsen
Associate Professor
Esther Eradajaye
Associate Professor
Eva Julie Johanne Næsheim
Assistant Professor
Eva Vabø
Assistant Professor
Evelyn Sandøy Ottesen
Associate Professor
Febe Friberg
Fjoralba Sadja Rama
PhD Candidate
Flora Nicol Balieva
Postdoctoral Fellow
Francesco Margoni
Associate Professor
Gudrun Songøygard Battin
Associate Professor
Heidi Lie Eriksen
Associate Professor
Hilde Marie Hunsbedt Fjellså
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Hildegunn Sagvaag
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Hulda Mjøll Gunnarsdottir
Associate Professor
Ida Bruheim-Escobar
Associate Professor
Inge Joa
Associate Professor
Inger Cecilie Rise
Assistant Professor
Ingjerd Jevnaker Straand
PhD Candidate
Ingrid Djuvik Overskeid
PhD Candidate
Ingrid Ølfarnes Røysland
Associate Professor
Ingunn Studsrød
Ingunn Øyre
Assistant Professor
Ingvild Vatten
Adjunct Associate Professor
Jan Otto Jacobsen
Associate Professor
Jeanette Tuen Eriksen
Joakim Jiri Haaland
Assistant Professor
Johannes Hendrik Langeveld
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jonathan Crabtree Parker
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jone Ravndal Bjørnestad
Jorunn Nærland Skjærpe
Associate Professor
Julia Franziska Köhler-Olsen
Julia Vigdal Esperås
PhD Candidate
Kari Søndenå
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Kathrine Skoland
Associate Professor
Kim Iren Kroken
Assistant Professor
Kine Frette Birkeland
Assistant Professor
Kine Strømstad
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kjersti Stormark Rabanal
Kristin Hjorthaug Urstad
Kristina Johansen
Associate Professor
Kristine Horgen Aamodt
Assistant Professor
Lars Andre Nysæther
Associate Professor
Lilla Magyari
Associate Professor
Linda Elisabeth Bjørknes
Assistant Professor
Linda Horne Mæland
Associate Professor
Linda Petersen Hetland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Lise Rusdal
PhD Candidate
Lise Sæstad Beyene
Associate Professor
Liss Gøril Anda-Ågotnes
Associate Professor
Liv Jorunn Baggegård Skippervik
Associate Professor
Liv Sand
Head of Department
Magnus Jørgensen
Associate Professor
Maren Sagvaag Retland
Assistant Professor
Margrethe Lindseth
University College Teacher
Marianne Storm
Marie Lunde
PhD Candidate
Marie Undheim
Associate Professor
Marina Snipsøyr Sletten
Associate Professor
Marit Alstveit
Associate Professor
Marita Kallesten Brønnick
PhD Candidate
Marita Wassbakk
PhD Candidate
Marte Johanne Tangeraas Hansen
Associate Professor
Marte Tonning Otterlei
Associate Professor
Marthe Hatle Bjørnnes
Assistant Professor
Mikhail Gradovski
Mira Aurora Marlow
Associate Professor
Morten Munkvik
Adjunct Associate Professor
Morten Tønnessen
Muriel Marisa Katharina Bruchhage
Associate Professor
Nafiseh Kananifar
Postdoctoral Fellow
Nicolay Gausel
Nina Egeland Amundsen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Nina Thorbjørnsen
Associate Professor
Ole Tjomsland
Adjunct Associate Professor
Olga Vanessa Lehmann
Associate Professor
Ons Zelfani Priotti
PhD Candidate
Per Christer Thomas Westergren
Pia Moum Hellevik
Assistant Professor
Pravin Tembjerg
Prizma Ghimire
PhD Candidate
Ragnhild Goa
Assistant Professor
Randi Wågø Aas
Reidun Ims
Associate Professor
Richard Michael Piech
Associate Professor
Rita Helene Bügelmeyer
Assistant Professor
Rosalynn Austin
Sara Ashencaen Crabtree
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff Hean
Sherif Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Gohar
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Signe Østrem
PhD Candidate
Silje Karin Sjøseth Askeland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Silje Lill Rimstad
Associate Professor
Siv Oltedal
Soffien Chadli Ajmi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Stian Bue Qvam
Assistant Professor
Stig Erlend Bjønness
Associate Professor
Sturla Inge Haslerud
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Svein Erik Tuastad
Associate Professor
Synne Wiberg
PhD Candidate
Sølvi Skjørestad Johnsen
Assistant Professor
Terese Elisabet Bondas
Tina Bojovic
Assistant Professor
Tone Haugs
Associate Professor
Tonje Catrin Hakvaag
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Tor Claussen
Tore Tjora
Associate Professor
Torgeir Gilje Lid
Adjunct Associate Professor
Trond Erik Grønnestad
Associate Professor
Unn Elisabeth Hammervold
Associate Professor
Vendela Husberg-Bru
Assistant Professor
Wenche Hovland
Associate Professor
Wenche ten Velden Hegelstad
Adjunct Associate Professor
Øystein Evjen Olsen
Adjunct Associate Professor
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