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Museum of Archaeology
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Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
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Department of Education and Sports Science
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Department of Education and Sports Science
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Caring and Ethics
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Alessandro Falcetta
Associate Professor
Anders Galaasen Bakken
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset
Associate Professor
Andréa Aparecida Goncalves Nes
Andreas Åvitsland
Associate Professor
Angelena Ursula Moore
Assistant Professor
Anita Tyskerud
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo
Associate Professor
Ann Nesse
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anne Gunn Dovland Vassbø
Assistant Professor
Anne Marie Gausel
Adjunct Associate Professor
Anne Marit Alvær Johansen
PhD Candidate
Anne Nevøy
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Arild Eskeland
Assistant Professor
Arne Jakobsen
Aseel Dima Jamale Ahmed Abuzeid
PhD Candidate
Atle Mjåtveit
Associate Professor
Barbara Malgorzata Waloszek
PhD Candidate
Bente Dahl
Bente Skogen
PhD Candidate
Berit Aarrestad
Associate Professor
Birgitta Haga Gripsrud
Bjørg Egeland Madland
University College Teacher
Bjørn Christian Borg
Assistant Professor
Bjørnar Kjellstadli
Assistant Professor
Brit Sissel Dragsund Fagerjord
University College Teacher
Briten Russdal-Hamre
Associate Professor
Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen
Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
Associate Professor
Cato Tveit
Assistant Professor
Cecilie Waallann Brown
Associate Professor
Cecilie Aarøe
PhD Candidate
Christina Maria Toogood
Assistant Professor
Christina Tølbøl Frøiland
Associate Professor
Dag Ove Granås Hovdal
Associate Professor
Dag Torvanger
Assistant Professor
Damoun Nassehi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Daniella Judit Rozsa
PhD Candidate
Edna Kristin Røyrvik
University College Teacher
Eli Flatekval
Assistant Professor
Elin Austbø Simonsen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Elin Nordbø
PhD Candidate
Elin Reilstad Sirevåg
University College Teacher
Elisabeth Jonassen Harbin
Assistant Professor
Elise Fosshaug
Assistant Professor
Ellen Ramvi
Espen Lunde
Assistant Professor
Espen Tønnessen
Eva Christina Furskog-Risa
Associate Professor
Eva Leibinger
Associate Professor
Eva-Maria Reich
Associate Professor
Federica Clementi
PhD Candidate
Finn Martinsen
Assistant Professor
Frode Fanebust
Assistant Professor
Frode Skarstein
Associate Professor
Gaute Hovtun
Associate Professor
Gaute Sørensen Schei
Associate Professor
Gerd Lise Midtgaard Nilsen Nordbotten
Associate Professor
Grethe Heidi Bjerga
Associate Professor
Gry Ciekals Wallgren
Assistant Professor
Gun Ingela Jobe
Associate Professor
Gunnveig Toft Bjørndal
Assistant Professor
Gølin Christine Kaurin Nilsen
Associate Professor
Hanna Skog
PhD Candidate
Hanne Egenæs Staurseth
Associate Professor
Hanne Løhre Sandnes
Assistant Professor
Hans Erik Bugge
Associate Professor
Hans Geir Aasmundsen
Associate Professor
Hege Bjøkne Wathne
Associate Professor
Hein Berdinesen
Associate Professor
Hildegunn Kalviknes Tessmann
Assistant Professor
Håvard Myklebust
Associate Professor
Ida Helene Mykkeltveit
Head of Department
Ingeborg Knævelsrud
Associate Professor
Ingeborg Vangsnes
Assistant Professor
Inger Økland
Ingri Dommersnes Jølbo
Associate Professor
Ingrid Bjerkholt Aamlid
Praksisveileder i jordmorfag
Ingrid Hilmer
PhD Candidate
Ingrid Lene Aasen
PhD Candidate
Ingrid Margrethe Leiknes
Ingunn Eikeland
Associate Professor
Janet Bakken
Assistant Professor
Janne Fauskanger
Janne Gabrielle Hunsbeth
Assistant Professor
Janne Hansen Kjosavik
University College Teacher
Jarle Stormark
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Jure Gombač
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Karen Aniela Aarre
Assistant Professor
Kari Kaldestad
Associate Professor
Kari Vestbø
Assistant Professor
Kari Vevatne
Pensjonistavlønning - vitenskapelig
Karsten Øvretveit
Associate Professor
Katrine Mørch Gadsbøll
Assistant Professor
Ketil Fred Hansen
Kimble Lee Walsh-Knarvik
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kine Gjesdal
Head of Department
Kirsten Lode
Kjersti Melhus
Assistant Professor
Kjetil Moen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Kleng Brekkå
Assistant Professor
Kristin Halvorsen Tungland
University College Teacher
Kristin Kavli Adriansen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kristina Sundt Eriksen
Associate Professor
Kristine Marie Olsen
Associate Professor
Kristine Næss
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Kristine Rørtveit
Lars Rune Waage
Head of Department
Lidia Cangiano
Assistant Professor
Linda Susanne Nyholm
Line Johanne Øvrebø
Assistant Professor
Linn Anne Margrethe Normand
Associate Professor
Magne Ivar Drangeid
Associate Professor
Magne Ove Rogne
Magnus Nordbø
Assistant Professor
Malene Søiland
Assistant Professor
Malin Maria Dramdal
Assistant Professor
Margareth Kristoffersen
Margrethe Sønneland
Associate Professor
Mari-Ann Letnes
Associate Professor
Maria Handeland
Assistant Professor
Marianne Sandvik Tveitnes
Associate Professor
Marie Smith-Solbakken
Marieke Gerdien Bruin
Associate Professor
Marijanca Ajša Vižintin
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Marit Selstad Alm Bru
Øvingslærer i operasjonssykepleie
Marta Høyland Lavik
Merete Hagen Helland
Associate Professor
Merete Sønsterud
Mette Irene Hvalby
Associate Professor
Milica Savic
Miriam Byberg
PhD Candidate
Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Mojca Vah Jevšnik
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Monica Charlotte Lyngnes
University College Teacher
Monica Hetlesæther Fosmark
Assistant Professor
Morten Ugelid Søyland
Assistant Professor
Nils Olav Østrem
Nils-Jakob Herleiksplass
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Nina Helgevold
Nina Lazarevic
Associate Professor
Nina Sømme Kvarstein
PhD Candidate
Paolo Haaland Scarbocci
Assistant Professor
Pauline Book
Postdoctoral Fellow
Pia Susanne Wall
Associate Professor
Ragna Kleppa
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Ramesh Gautam
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Raymond Bjuland
Reidar Mosvold
Rolf Inge Thorsen
Associate Professor
Sander Vossgård Eriksen Mathisrud
PhD Candidate
Sanna Pauliina Törmälä-Tranberg
PhD Candidate
Sara Sedberg
Assistant Professor
Sean Peter Kåss Martin
Assistant Professor
Sebastian Rehnman
Sebastian Schanche Sandgren
Associate Professor
Shaher Ahmmad Ibrahim Shalfawi
Associate Professor
Silje Eikanger Kvalø
Associate Professor
Silje Espejord
Assistant Professor
Silje Henriette Amalia Normand
Associate Professor
Sindre Mikal Dyrstad
Sissel Merete Finholt-Pedersen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Sissel Steinberg Sørheim
Assistant Professor
Siv Tove Aunan
Associate Professor
Sivan Balslev
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Sofija Svendsen
Associate Professor
Synnøve Mari Eidsvik Folkvord
Associate Professor
Synnøve Siqveland Helland
University College Teacher
Tanu Biswas
Associate Professor
Tarja Irene Tikkanen
Thomas Bjørnsen
Associate Professor
Tor Gunnar Tollaksen
Tord Austdal
Associate Professor
Tore Dreyer
Assistant Professor
Torhild Borlaug
Assistant Professor
Turid Anita Jaastad
Associate Professor
Vegard Moen
Venke Irene Ueland
Vidar Kjetilstad
Assistant Professor
Wenche Olivia Sigurdsen
PhD Candidate
Øystein Nybøe
Assistant Professor
Øyvind Johannes Holtlien Salvesen
Assistant Professor
Åge Vigane
Associate Professor
Åsmund Hennig
Associate Professor
Åsmund Lillevik Gjære
Associate Professor