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Museum of Archaeology
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Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
National Centre for Reading Education and Research
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Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Department of Education and Sports Science
Department of Early Childhood Education
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UiS School of Business and Law
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Faculty of Health Sciences
Fakultetsadministrasjonen HV
Department of Caring and Ethics
Department of Quality and Health Technology
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Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Caring and Ethics
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Adrian Johansen Rinde
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Adrian Kristinsønn Jacobsen
PhD Candidate
Adriana Gerarda Bus
Aina Kristine Jenseg Fiskå
Assistant Professor
Aksel Dommersnes
Student Assistant
Alba de la Vega Fernandez
Assistant Professor
Alessandro Falcetta
Associate Professor
Alexandre Dessingué
Aline Alves-Wold
Associate Professor
Allen Clarence Jones
Associate Professor
Anders Galaasen Bakken
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anders Magne Andersen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anders Otterbech Jølbo Myrset
Associate Professor
André Baraldsnes
Senior Adviser
Andréa Aparecida Goncalves Nes
Andreas Benedikt Jager
Andreas Østbø Fidjeland
Associate Professor
Andreas Åvitsland
Associate Professor
Anette Fritsen Solli
Higher Executive Officer
Angelena Ursula Moore
Assistant Professor
Animesh Chatterjee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anita Berge
Head of Department
Anita Stokkeland Øen
Assistant Professor
Anita Tyskerud
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anlaug Marie Åsnes
Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo
Associate Professor
Ann Kristin Kolstø-Johansen
Senior Adviser
Ann Nesse
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Ann-Charlotte Aksnes
PhD Candidate
Anna Gausland Tjelta
PhD Candidate
Anna Lange Moi
PhD Candidate
Anna Økstra
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Annam Azeem
PhD Candidate
Anne Gunn Dovland Vassbø
Assistant Professor
Anne Karin Fotland
Assistant Professor
Anne Kristin Hansen Andresen
Assistant Professor
Anne Kristin Odland
University College Teacher
Anne Kristine Solberg Runestad
Associate Professor
Anne Mangen
Anne Marie Gausel
Adjunct Associate Professor
Anne Marie Nygaard
Senior Adviser
Anne Marit Alvær Johansen
PhD Candidate
Anne Nevøy
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Anne Reiher
University College Teacher
Anne Therese Matheson Sevle
Student Assistant
Anne Wilson
University College Teacher
Anne-Lene Skog Dahl
Assistant Professor
Anne-Sophie Hufer
PhD Candidate
Ari Halldorsson
University College Teacher
Arild Eskeland
Assistant Professor
Arild Michel Bakken
Associate Professor
Arne Fredrik Rygh
University College Teacher
Arne Jakobsen
Arne Olav Nygard
Associate Professor
Arne Walter Bjånes
Staff Engineer
Aseel Dima Jamale Ahmed Abuzeid
PhD Candidate
Aslaug Fodstad Gourvennec
Associate Professor
Asta Midttun Luckhoo
Aster Hoving
PhD Candidate
Astrid Guldbrandsen
Associate Professor
Astrid Kristine Kloster Særvoll
University College Teacher
Astrid Tofte Aasmundtveit
Atle Mjåtveit
Associate Professor
Atle Skaftun
Aud Torill Meland
Associate Professor
Audny Molnes
Awal Mohammed Larechibara Alhassan
Associate Professor
Barbara Malgorzata Waloszek
PhD Candidate
Barbara Maria Sageidet
Beate Gilje Tumyr
Associate Professor
Beate Mellemsether
University College Teacher
Benjamin Sæstad Beyene
PhD Candidate
Benjamin Waldejer
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Bente Dahl
Bente Granberg
Assistant Professor
Bente Gurine Kvitvær Nordmo
Associate Professor
Bente Rigmor Walgermo
Associate Professor
Bente Skogen
PhD Candidate
Berit Johanne Sletten
University College Teacher
Berit Aarrestad
Associate Professor
Bernhard Sørbø
Student Assistant
Birgit Rodvelt
Birgitta Haga Gripsrud
Birgitte Tysdal
Head of Administration
Bjørg Egeland Madland
University College Teacher
Bjørn Arild Hansen Ersland
Bjørn Arild Laland Fuglesten
PhD Candidate
Bjørn Christian Borg
Assistant Professor
Bjørn Kvalsvik Nicolaysen
Bjørnar Kjellstadli
Assistant Professor
Bo B. Randulff
Brit Sissel Dragsund Fagerjord
University College Teacher
Brita Strand Rangnes
Associate Professor
Briten Russdal-Hamre
Associate Professor
Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen
Camilla Gramstad Hagevold
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Camilla Lausund Fitjar
Associate Professor
Camilla Vågan Klævold
Carina Dillner
Higher Executive Officer
Carl Cato Wadel
Associate Professor
Caroline Eltervåg
Catharina Petronella Johanna van Trijp
Associate Professor
Cathrine Fuglestad
Assistant Professor
Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
Associate Professor
Cato Tveit
Assistant Professor
Cecilie Evertsen
Associate Professor
Cecilie Skram Gil
Assistant Professor
Cecilie Waallann Brown
Associate Professor
Cecilie Aarøe
PhD Candidate
Charlotte Alexandra Wrigley
Charlotte Helen Haaland Hancock
PhD Candidate
Chloé Urso
Christina Huru Pedersen
Christina Maria Toogood
Assistant Professor
Christina Tølbøl Frøiland
Associate Professor
Dag Husebø
Dag Jostein Nordaker
Head of Centre
Dag Ove Granås Hovdal
Associate Professor
Dag Torvanger
Assistant Professor
Dagmar Anita Jakobsen
Associate Professor
Dagmar Strohmeier
Damoun Nassehi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Daniel Aspnes Kristiansen
Assistant Professor
Daniel Joe Bowman
Associate Professor
Daniella Judit Rozsa
PhD Candidate
David Albert Natvig
Associate Professor
David-Alexandre Thomas Wagner
Associate Professor
Dieuwer Ten Braak
Associate Professor
Dina Lialikhova
Associate Professor
Dmitrijs Porsnovs
PhD Candidate
Dolly Jørgensen
Dziuginta Baraldsnes
Associate Professor
Ebru Ozbek
PhD Candidate
Edna Kristin Røyrvik
University College Teacher
Egil Gabrielsen
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Eija Kristiina Pakarinen
Adjunct Associate Professor
Eike-Christian Heine
Postdoctoral Fellow
Eivind Øvrebø
Elaine Munthe
Eli Flatekval
Assistant Professor
Eli Marie Hoftun Kvæstad
Higher Executive Officer
Elin Austbø Simonsen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Elin Kirsti Lie Reikerås
Elin Nesvoll Vangsnes
Assistant Professor
Elin Nordbø
PhD Candidate
Elin Reilstad Sirevåg
University College Teacher
Elisabeth Barstad
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Bjørnsson Bø
PhD Candidate
Elisabeth Brekke Stangeland
Associate Professor
Elisabeth Emilie Sefranek Rongved
Senior Adviser
Elisabeth Jonassen Harbin
Assistant Professor
Elisabeth Rege Filbrandt
Assistant Professor
Elisabeth Stray Gausel
Elise Fosshaug
Assistant Professor
Ella Bjerga Pettersen
Ellen Elvethon
Assistant Professor
Ellen Rafos
Ellen Ramvi
Ellen Tveit
PhD Candidate
Ellinor Waaland
PhD Candidate
Elsa Helen Kaltvedt
Assistant Professor
Enrico Pollarolo
Assistant Professor
Eric Dean Rasmussen
Associate Professor
Erik Nordgreen
Assistant Professor
Erin Margaret McTigue
Erlend Aano
Senior Adviser
Erling Georg Roland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Espen Iden
Assistant Professor
Espen Lunde
Assistant Professor
Espen Tønnessen
Eva Berge
Eva Christina Furskog-Risa
Associate Professor
Eva Leibinger
Associate Professor
Eva Margareta Hultin
Eva Marianne Johansson
Eva Stina Maria Jakobsson
Eva-Maria Reich
Associate Professor
Fartein Valen-Sendstad
Fatemeh Ghasemi
Federica Clementi
PhD Candidate
Finn Arne Jørgensen
Finn Martinsen
Assistant Professor
francesca Granone
Associate Professor
Frank Rafaelsen
Assistant Professor
Fredrick Niklas Hansen
Fredrik Holmen Lillegraven
Fredrik Normann Skår
Senior Adviser
Frode Fanebust
Assistant Professor
Frode Skarstein
Associate Professor
Gabriele Lauterbach
Postdoctoral Fellow
Gaute Hovtun
Associate Professor
Gaute Sørensen Schei
Associate Professor
Geir Skeie
Gerd Lise Midtgaard Nilsen Nordbotten
Associate Professor
Gitte Westergaard
Associate Professor
Greta Brodahl
Associate Professor
Grete Sørensen Vaaland
Associate Professor
Grethe Heidi Bjerga
Associate Professor
Gro Njærheim
Senior Executicve Officer
Gry Ciekals Wallgren
Assistant Professor
Gun Ingela Jobe
Associate Professor
Gunita Gurveer Kaur Mudhar
PhD Candidate
Gunn Helen Ofstad
Associate Professor
Gunnar Magnus Eidsvåg
Gunnar Tore Nerheim
Gunnveig Toft Bjørndal
Assistant Professor
Guro Lien
Assistant Professor
Guttorm Hermann Helgøy
Senior Adviser
Gølin Christine Kaurin Nilsen
Associate Professor
Hadle Oftedal Andersen
Hallgjerd Byrkjeland
Associate Professor
Hallvor Lyngstad
Senior Adviser
Hanna Skog
PhD Candidate
Hanne Egenæs Staurseth
Associate Professor
Hanne Jahnsen
Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS
Hanne Løhre Sandnes
Assistant Professor
Hanne Mette Kristiansen Vindvik
Assistant Professor
Hans Borge
Associate Professor
Hans Erik Bugge
Associate Professor
Hans Geir Aasmundsen
Associate Professor
Haris Bosnic
Hege Bjøkne Wathne
Associate Professor
Hege Cecilie Nygaard Barker
Senior Adviser
Hege Hagland
Hege Hervik
Assistant Professor
Hege Rangnes
Associate Professor
Heidi Pedersen Skåtøy
Assistant Professor
Hein Berdinesen
Associate Professor
Helene Jeanette Bostrøm
Assistant Professor
Helene Urdland Karlsen
Helga Vössing-Lahmeyer
Assistant Professor
Henning Plischewski
Assistant Professor
Henriette Hanky
Henrik Kristiansen Gulland
Hilde Børresen Hagerup
Hilde Lowell Gunnerud
Associate Professor
Hilde Thoresen
Assistant Professor
Hildegunn Fandrem
Hildegunn Kalviknes Tessmann
Assistant Professor
Hildegunn Støle
Associate Professor
Håvard Myklebust
Associate Professor
Håvard Ragnhildstveit
University College Teacher
Ida Brørup Alkærsig
Student Assistant
Ida Helene Mykkeltveit
Head of Department
Ida Holth Mathiesen
Assistant Professor
Ida Margrethe Eikaas
Ida Risanger Sjursø
Associate Professor
Idar Ree
Head of Administration
Ina Midttveit
Senior Adviser
Ine Larsen Måneby
Assistant Professor
Inga Kjerstin Birkedal
Assistant Professor
Ingar Lee
Head of Administration
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